This web site is only U.S.A. coverage. Both (Fed/Calif): I do have lots of commentary on Canadian (real) Sidekicks (Trackers or Sunrunners)
Non USA cars, have unique braking, lighting and wiring, EFI systems, an spark generation, even different wire harness colors. & stinking CARB’,S ! up to 2006.
In the USA, we have 2 engines (3 counting the SPORT) up to 1998, but other countries, lots more. (called Type codes, by Suzuki)
This site does not cover, body repair, collision repairs , painting, or suspension fixes or mods, body lifts, etc.
This site is for most NO GO issues . The car will not run right or shift correctly? (and all wheel bearings, and 4wd issues)
If unsure, or tool free and safety equipment free, Let a professional work on you car!
The Suzuki service manuals, are all chock full of safety warnings. Please Read them, As are All books written on auto-repair, do not work on cars , until you read at least 1 book on topic, x100 on Brakes.
Happy Trails to you all.
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The engine and EFI parts Identifier page
All ENGINE problems, you name it, it’s here. (Fuel injection, Spark ) + A list of Interference engines.What is Interference?
Bolt/Nut fastener, Torque specifications 1.6L tables
I hear Noises! (what is it, and what should I do to find it ?)

Books and manuals. (free or otherwise)
Please read , general Safety First !
Car part name – Jargon
Brakes and brake inspections. (< read at your own risk) ! “Have the brakes inspected by a professional, before driving the car”!

AllElectrical problems and issues. (Fuse maps too)
How to find all relays in the car. Actuators or Sensors.

Some affordable TOOLS (no tools? no joy ?)
How to get 30 MPG ! (or near, 28 is typical with E10 fuel at a steady 60 MPH flat cruise)
See lots of Youtube videos, for repairs
Radio or NAV system secret code
How to identify car, so you can buy the correct parts.
SUZUKI or GM or GEO and the names of specific products are trademarks of their specific companies, which are not affiliated with, do not sponsor or endorse, and are not responsible for the content of this Web site (all pages )
This website is not affiliated to any product or company , trade mark .