Old Generation Check Engine Lamp or C.E.L. warning lamp ![]() The Tracker & Sidekick 1989-1995 only USA -and up to 1998 in Canada. Some cars Vitara's (or others) outside N.America's , run ODB1 until 2001 or 2006. See here, In the U.S.A. 1996 and newer cars with OBD2 . (or Canada 1998 up) These Older 0BD1 cars use this lamp: Jump here now. (a.k.a: Service Engine Soon (SES) lamp or M.I.L. Malfunction Indicator Lamp) Basic Theory: (For lamp on driving) 1989 to 1995. You can make your own custom hacked scan tool and avoid all this.? The Power train control module (PCM or ECU) sees gross engine , or EFI (fuel or spark an sensor errors) or transmission errors. The lamp glowing, means the ECU has discovered operational errors running the engine. In lay terms, the engine brain is very unhappy. (it is just a small, old , and slow microprocessor inside ECU) Most errors are stored in the ECU memory (even key off, it remembers them , Dome fuse not blown) It stores errors in its memory , until you reset them or they are self corrected. These errors are called DTC's are diagnostic Trouble Codes. The ECU can flash the CEL lamp to tell you which errors are stored in memory. The flash codes ended in 1996 (forever) and a scan tool is always necessary starting in 1996 or 1998 in Canada., (USA EPA OBD2 rules and invention) A Fast click index: 1989-95 only.
Preamble, and Theory of Operation: (of the ECU) "short and sweet?" On board Diagnostics. (by law) OBD began by laws passed in 1988 for 1991 year the USA in Calif. ARB and to sell cars state wide, it was best (for Suzuki) to fit all cars, the same (near). Suzuki began early in 1989 to meet the 1991 dead line. This ran until July 1995 last Suzuki cars made with OBD1. (USA) In the USA this flashing lamp code method ended in 1996, (1998 in Canada or up to 2001 or 2006 in othere countries) Most information written on OBD, is for OBD2, due to the custom nature of all OBD1 systems ( and vast differences from one maker to the next) On board, Diagnostics, means the ECU monitors the system for errors full time and is on board the ECU. (It runs tests, finds problmes and records them in memory , all on board) Today we use a midset of, Old OBD1 Technology works like OBD2, but has less monitors, and has no standard scan tools, but uses lamp flash codes (DTC) instead. OBD1 has no misfire monitors , or CAT monitors, as taught today for all OBD2 cars. (no Evap monitor none of these, but ours has 1 EGR test) The only monitoring is "Catastrophic sensor errors?" In many countries the EGR is missing totally (JDM cars) or is not monitored at all. (like Canada and rest of world.) The ECU, starting in 1991 generates all spark and fuel injection for the engine. (before 1991 , fuel only controls) The old system is near blind to most errors, for example it can not tell you, that fuel pressure is too low or too high. (or the engine has damage "vacuum bounce?") (not even too low car battery like we have today) It sees just basic dead sensor detections, only. (or gross weak EGR flows) It can not tell you an injector is dead , leaking or partially clogged, or even that it's shorted or open coil. It can not tell you sensors are weak. (only dead, eg: stuck high, stuck low...) That means you must take lots of hand done measurements to find true cause of failures. What is a monitor?, well it's just a background process running , very much like anti-virus software running on your PC today. It's just watching for things that are dead wrong. (like a Granny in the rear seat, hey Sonny, the rear tire and wheel just fell off car) Think of the ECU as 3 processes: Spark generation, fuel injection and crude monitors. (with some side shows, for EGR op.'s and EVAP and idle controls) The ECU can go to limphome or to backup mode, burning a ton of fuel. end. theory: The OBD1 CEL lamp logic. (or not) 1 step at a time. (in short, see long version below.) If your fuses are good and the CEL doesn't glow, then see how to rip the cluster out of the dash! (and some tricks for 16v cars!)
What are the DTC Diagnostic Trouble Codes? All you need is a metal paper clip jumper to see them. Do not waste your time at Autostore X, with a pre 1996 Suzuki of any kind, they can NOT SCAN IT ! Period ! (but any one can jumper clip test it ) ![]() Next up , DTC code tables. 1989-95 only. If you get DTC code 53, see this new page.
The Check Engine Light OBD1 , is glowing while driving? Some times marked SES (Service Eng. Soon). I will call it a "CEL" from now on. The jumper works only, in the Suzuki world (GEO Trackers use Suzuki ECU's) Only on Pre 96 cars, USA or pre 98 cars and Canada or any other out of N.America and up to 2001. (or more) ![]() Unbend the above clip and from a "U" and insert it into the correct pins of the under hood DLC connector, seen at the link Jumper rules, below. The DLC (Diagnostic Logic Connector) is where you insert your paper clip, This DLC located in the engine bay, near the battery front edge. or at 4 other places. See next link for them ALL. Find PCM Diagnostic DLC connector and what pins to JUMP first, here (Suzuki loved to move it around ) The CEL DTC Flash Rules : OBD1 only. The Check Engine Lamp in the dash cluster. 1989-1995 USA only. (Suzuki/Trackers only) The "Diagnostic Request" jumper of the DLC causes the CEL lamp to flash out a MORSE code like ( but does not follow Morse's rules) CODE. Like USA Cowboy& Indian smoke signals too. Like Tonto did with his "Sidekick" the Lone Ranger.... "smoke signals 101?" Flash ,short pause, flash-flash, long pause, repeated, is a HAPPY ECU. (but it never really knows happy, ever, in truth ) The PCM can flash out a whole string of non 12 codes. (unplug all sensors and see just that) The DTC errors are presented as FLASH codes. (most cars of this Era do this and all do it differently ,it's NOT a STANDARD ! at all) Possible responses of the CEL?: I will call the DTC errors, just codes.
Flash pause, Flash flash long pause. repeat over and over. is 12, and 12 means ECU thinks ALL IS WELL. OK ! in fact, no live errors or stored errors , at this moment. Oddity #1 , that DTC 12 and 21 can only be discerned by the LONG pause at the end! 12 , long pause, repeat. Comments: Never hot wire any ECU on any car, or risk $500 to $1500(new) blown ECU. The ECU can also get acid damage from the leaking CAPs. 1989 to 1995 only , in the USA and Canada. Some damage from Acid is not correctable. FAST LOOK UP of DTC's: I see my CEL flashing out DTC codes now , so what do they mean?, Click here for a table of codes: The DTC ,Codes will flash out , in 3 different operational modes., with the DLC, or Diagnostic Request jumper , is jumped.
DTC = Diagnostic Trouble codes. DTC's (all errors) can be reset , but can return if still valid ... Example #1:
Rare exceptions to DIAG jumper locations: (Pre Trackers....) 1989: OBD1 only. ( if your car was made prior to the CAMI plant starting up in Canada 3/89 Geo Trackers. The Trackers first started here, in Japan actual and used a different Diag Jumper method changed in the next month. Japan made the first Trackers in Japan, then CAMI Canada plant, started up. and took over full production. But the fuse box for this 1 month , is a deviant.! The only good indications are code 12. Flash,
pause, Flash, Flash, pause, repeat. = 12
Code 12 DTC is normal .
( there may be more codes, that flash
away ,
after the other like a passing train). OBD1 only.Do not confuse code 12 with 21. ( a cruel joke from Suzuki engineers) flash code confusion. The Errors run in a loop, repeating over and over. same with code 12, the GOOD code. IT MUST LOOP or the ECU is SICK. Parting comments: OBD1 only.The ECU on all 89-95 kicks fail 1 time only for bad CAP's. If the CEL acts odd for any reason, abnormal or you blow FI , IGN coil fuses,.... BAD CAPACITORS ARE #1 FAILURE ITEM ! SEE MY BAD ECU PAGE FOR DETAILS. You will not get fuel injection of any kind, unless you have spark. ( a built in safety feature) OFF SITE, Common DTC's are 51 for the EGR valve, or code 13 oxygen sensor bad, 21/22 = TPS bad, or 44/45 TPS idle switch bad. Or my list of codes: Note very carefully code 41 and 42 can be seen , DIAG jumper in place while cranking the engine. <<< FANCY TRICK FOR NO STARTS. If these flash out during cranking , then you have lost spark or have a cam sensor or spark signal failure. ( this is a very special feature in these old cars).OBD1 only So, if your car will not start , be sure to do the DLC jumper and crank test !!! The ECU never lies about these. RPM is in the neighbor hood of 300 RPM cranking, (warm day) {before the actual sustained engine run} The ECU will cut fueling for any loss of CMP, (cam sensor) or even the hint of bad SPARK. So, never fail to look here, if fuel does not inject. (same with Wide open throttle, the ECU cuts fuel cranking and WOT is showing at the TPS angle) If you need help, ask at below link: Post them here on the forum: Mind set: DTC memory storage issues: This section is OBD1 only. This memory is NV RAM, non volatile memory, with battery back up, (yes, the cars main battery) The ECU has no batteries inside. Keep in mind that if you get 5 DTC errors, some can be incorrect. (air leaks can trigger EGR failure codes, on all non thermo probe type EGR valves. ) There are primary DTC's that must be addressed first. ) ( generally low numbers , but code 53 is bad news and is primary odd duck) If your car has been running with battery connected for 5 years CEL ON running, there may be many real DTC's stored. Most OBD1 DTC codes auto clear as faults clear, but can take many trips. The EGR fail, is only slow to clear DTC # 51, this will take some driving around fast and hot. 30-50 mph in some cases. There are 3 ways to reset all ECU/PCM. If the CEL lamp comes on, then please pull the blink codes. ( they are very important to trouble shooting) All DTC's are real, if they persist after pulling the dome fuse, then they are for sure real. The only false codes are:
These are gross fails on all sensors. The EGR DTC # 51 code takes driving car fast and hot , use RESET to clear. Other drive off DTC' ( clear while driving) codes are, 24,44,45, and 52 ( and yes 51). There is a secret DTC code for troubleshooting, no starts. ( cranking and no spark or no CAM sensor pulses) Place DTC jumper as per above, then crank the engine, as you crank the CEL lamp may flash out a code 41 or 42 ( CMP , or CAS failure). This code is never stored in memory , only presented while cranking. These 2 codes do not lie, the signal is dead or is dropping out 1 out of 10 times (about) Do not confuse code 12 GOOD with code 21 . ( note: the long and short pauses to tell the difference) << amazing that they did this and not skip over 21. One more nice trick: You and drive for a week with the DLC Diagnostic jumper in place , to catch intermittent failures. Code 12 flashing day in and day out. Then BINGO GOT YOU! Do not do that trick, to the timing freeze jumper. or you will burn up a good CAT. (OBD2 will warn you ,if you do this, but not OBD1) Trick1: you can drive for a week with the DTC diagnostic jumper inserted, just to catch an intermittent DTC !!! DO IT ! The lamp will flash 12 on and on, but then one day , 1/2 way to work , BANG ! code 22. It's real, this is a true failure. For sure. A DEAD ECU is one that (simplistic) that Can't glow a good CEL lamp , key on, or can't flash code 12, on demand. (or flash some other codes) no code at all is a bad sign for the ECU. OBD FAQ page, different countries, different rules, different history etc: A Hit list:
The big NO NO is hot wiring any ECU output's, never ever, do that. Eg. injectors, VSV drivers (many) relay drivers. etc. If you hot wire the Fuel pump relay socket and your finger slips 1/4 inch, boom, kiss off the ECU fuel relay driver, and the same goes for the MAIN driver.BOOM you let the smoke out. sorry ! you did. Oxygen sensor, O² , Oxy, or Lambda Sensors, are all the same part name. Replace the front sensor at 100,000 miles. How to clear or RESET these ERROR's , the DTC memory on all cars:
IF the DTC comes back now, it's REAL. Real as Real can be. Sorry the AUTO stores, have no scan tools for pre 1996 Suzuki's. I hope I saved everyone a ton of grief, and money. Illegitimi non carborundum JARGON: |
V:34 Edited: 8-30-10
& 9-1-2013 added theory,section. 1-1-2015 |