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coolant flowing between iac and isc ?
Kick, is your fuel pressure gauge an electric one ? As you said fuel can`t get further than fire wall.....
yes, id never send fuel to the cab.

the best is Stewart Warner gauges but expensive. so ran an import gauge

or import
ok thanks...... Kick, you`re often saying how it`s important to have a good CAT to get an appropriate back pressure. I removed the CAT that include the first part of the exhaust(from ex manifold to behind the cat). By looking with a flashlight from the back the CAT looks clean. So I`ll replace it with a new gasket(the gasket between ex manifold ans exhaust was gone).

I broke all 3 bolts that attach the exhaut to exhaust manifold when I remove the exhaust. I could drill those but I`ve got another ex manifold that I can use. However numbers on those aren`t the same.

On the one I removed it`s KN 222 2 and there a 10 in a circle.
The other one that also come from a manual it`s :KN 224 6 also a no 10 in a circle.

I`ll go to buy a gasket engine-exh manifold on lunch time and would like to reinstall it this pm.
yes for egr to work the CAT is the key. (and not ping like hell)
both cars are 8v,
any 8v man works with 8v ports
we can weld any pipe we want there to fit to cat. just dont push cat to far rear, or fail all tests in California.
if not getting smog tested, forget that statement on push back.
those mark.s are NOT suzuki p;n but are casting numbers, some are encoded dates tell the life of the mold... (short there are)
just fit it up. forget mark.s.
the 16v is way more complex that 8v.
the 8v p/n is 14111-61A01 (exh man) new num 1411160X51 sold for $229 at suz.
Dorman makes a header

cast iron stock or OE like cast iron
there are sst headers raciing, not iron.

your good.....to go.

vsig (when you post i always forget this>)
I`ve got a Tracker 94 1.6l 8v, autom 2dr 4wd..95 and a Sidekick 5sp, 2dr 1.6l 8v 4wd .
Ok, sorry I`ll add those infos at the end of each of my post.

I can`t believe the price on the amazon link. I called at cdn tire this am and it was $45 only for the bigger gasket !! $70 for all the kit is a really good price.

I`ll re-use the old gasket(still good for a short while) for now and going to buy those from amazon.

Btw, is there something that you don`t know about those Trackick ?!!

I`ve got a Tracker 94 1.6l 8v, autom 2dr 4wd(becoming a spare parts)..
and 95 Sidekick 5sp, 2dr 1.6l 8v 4wd( it`s the one that I`m working on)
i used the front rail adapter , from summit racing.
it's just what learned restoring 3 of my 4.
midnight insomnia for years,,, but no more
now retired and now sitting in beach house, lazy bum.
I also stopped restoring cars, lazy 2. (did many cars and motorcycles. last 20years)

i had to remove broken studs on my 91 ,exh, manifold.
i got them out undamaged, but as we know that is 1/2 luck and 1/2 skill

actually im so old now,i'm forgetting some things, so I re-read my own journals to help others..
just few lines and i go ahhh, yes.... that...
Thanks for your reply about the Vapor canister.... (i think some messages have been lost)

I got a question that my be a little strange. Let say you`ve got to sand and paint your Sidekick cabin. If you remove the paper(Inside the driver door frame) which indicate the serial number, where could you find a new one to stick in at the same place ? is there a software somewhere that let us print a new one ?

I tried to find this info on the net and didn`t find anything. I thought maybe you could have an idea about it ?!!
ive no idea

im still stuck in the Dymo label gun world..

yes ,fatcow lost them during the web migration, they delayed 4 days
they moved old data over new.
I'm now just a user like you.....
so wag finger, (lol) at new admin...

i tape over key tags, (mask) and not spray them.
keeps them original too.
Ok thanks, the reason I was asking is that I`ll put a new(used) cabin(scraped truck) on a licensed Sidekick... So I want to write the same serial number as the frame/engine.......

F..... I`ve been 6-18 months to late to subscribe to your site..... to bad... lets see what they are going to do with it......

Anyway, thanks for all infos you gaved to me, It has been really appreciated.
i cant answer that, it be laws of your state
the car has vins hidden all over it
some states check them , under some conditions
and the , bam, the long arm of law, or worse, anti-chop shop laws kick in

at first i though the door key code was the tag.... that;s nuttn

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