Guessing sucks

No start causes: (for the tool-less) or stalling… This page proves, why guessing SUCKS. Sucks SWAP GAS! 1.6L 16 valve engine case example: (the more cylinders and parts, the more that can fail) Why guessing fails, just my silly list of failures. (not wanting to test, but just guessing, wildly?) fuses blown? Bad fuel. CEL … Read more

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P0400 diagnostic code

DTC P0400’s What are they? In Canada the CEL don’t even glow for P0400s! 1996 and newer. (98 from some Canada cars and newer) 1.6 Liter. This 400 monitor, as it is called, runs only under specific conditions or not at all if it is suspended due to other ECU discovered failures. You are here, via … Read more

Best place for asking questions is FixKick forum.

Swaps. Engine, transmission and other things swaps.

Suzuki Sidekick or Geo Chevy TRACKER, SWAP PAGE, it’s mostly just a list! with really good links! Swaps have no limits. (welder and plasma cutter in hand) Swaps can be the most complex topic of all. USA centric: (N. America, actually) 1989-98 and some newer motors / transmission and things, swapped between years or motor … Read more

Best place for asking questions is FixKick forum.

Torque specification for Suzuki SideKick / Tracker

Torque specs for SideKick and Tracker 89 to 98. G16a/b,1.6 liter Engines. ( no Samurai or Sport 1.8L engines) This data is not Guaranteed, it is just a collation of facts for my journal. Please consult your FSM for you car! Values below 15 ft/lbs are best converted, to Inch/Lbs, just multiply by 12. and then an Inch/lb torque wrenched … Read more

Best place for asking questions is FixKick forum.

How to tune up and service?

Tune Up and Service Information U.S.A. 1989-98+: Doing the SERVICE POINTS! Jargon: OEM = Original Equipment Manufacture, or OE. FSM; Factory Service Manual. (no, not a Haynes, rag, sorry ) All Jargon words are here. Some drive it until it drops dead, others like long car life and safety and reliability, this page is about doing … Read more

Best place for asking questions is FixKick forum.

What you need to make engine RUN, the basic schematics page

My Basic Schematics page, what you need to make engine RUN and some extras, for safe running! 1989-98′ 100% USA (North America centric drawings.) Other countries can be different! The Term Generation applies to USA Suzuki only. (other countries use different type motors and evolution rates) Fuses are first, I use a voltmeter, keyon, and 12vdc across … Read more

Best place for asking questions is FixKick forum.

Jargon – What are all those 3 letter names?

The long  answer is  names.  over 1000’s of names there, and for fun they changed many names in the 1990s (Society of Automotive Engineers long ago set these standards for names in the mid 1980’s) just to make all this so much fun…. not. In the USA we use SAE standards ,others us ISO. Bendix … Read more

Best place for asking questions is FixKick forum.