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Hey All,
I have a 96 tracker. It had a good fan switch, so thought I might put it in my 96 sidekick jlx. The switch in the tracker came apart while I was taking it out (seems to be the bottom half of switch is molded into the control unit). All the parts i have are as follows: top half of switch (which has the copper circuitry),the actual speed selector, a small spring that fits vertically in speed selector and slides along copper circuitry, and a bigger spring W/mini ball bearing that fits horizontally in the end of speed selector to click into and hold at selected speed. I put it back in tracker and nada. I'm wondering if there is any more parts i need to look for. That tiny spring that slides along copper contact plate seems a little incomplete. Don't know if this will make sense to anyone,but would really appreciate any help I can get.
Eddy Sidekick
PS This is first post and happy to be aboard with you all
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05-03-2013, 01:53 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-03-2013, 01:54 AM by fixkick.)
welcome (trumpets blaring !) TAH DAH !
they all fail just like that, in the hot car, the upper plastic melts and distorts and just pops apart. lucky for me , i found all the bits and put it back togehter and it will run for ever.
my page.
you can test the switch out of car, with any DMM. (resistance continuity test , any switch)
if parts are missing, buy a used switch and make 1 good from 2 parts. it really cant fail, just falls apart, 2 tie wraps solve that for ever.
sadly i forget to document the guts. springs and balls. etc. and all are needed.
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Thanks Fixkick,
It's good to see you available for help. Your website has been a great help to me over the last couple of years. A lot of great stuff! Any how I guess I will start the epic search for another fan switch. I'll keep y'all posted.
Thanks again,
Eddy Sidekick
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Hi eddy, check out hwy83 or NUDI suzuki salvage yards, google them, in sure either one of them will have the switch you need. I just troubleshoot my heat fan also, it was only blowing on the 3rd and 4th settings, I took the switch out and cleaned it but the issue turned out to be the resistor, changed it and it worked like brand new.
1996 Geo Tracker, CAMI, 16 valve, 5sp, 4x4, soft top, 2 door, no a/c
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05-06-2013, 01:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2013, 01:17 AM by fixkick.)
if in a jam, the radio shack or (mouser/digikey) resistors work.. i had some on a junk box and used these.
heater resistors
i used 1/2 and 1 ohm discrete resistors. in a hurry.
the glove box door comes out in 5min and the resistor block is there , 5min more.
never pull the switch first, but in OP, 's case, its already bad.
but yes, check the resistor as most are bad by now. the nichrome wire , just burn up, from age.
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Thanks to you for sharing that pic well dude it has made of aluminium am i right dude???????What do you say about it buddy???   Please share me more pics about it you can do it dude?
[url=]Plumbing Sunshine Coast[/url]
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its not aluminum, at all
its PLASTIC. the levers are CRS, cold rolled steel.
the contacts are brass and gold,
the springs are steel, and are plated.
If you read my page on that switch, it even states, the PLASTIC got hot and melted (normal park in sun cab heat) and no longer stays closed,
This is retched design flaw, more Suzuki junk, there are others.
im in texas and not a dude, im a bloke. LOL. dudes go to dude ranches are are gay.
Dorian wants all things made from aluminum? really?, my dad did too , until the huge electric supply ended.
I dont care what the things are made of,so long as it lasts 300,000 miles minimum and dont cost $300 for a freakn TPS.