I've got an 89 US Sidekick 1.6 that I just acquired. I bought it with a engine surge and I found the fixkick site which has helped me do some troubleshooting. I started by vacuum testing all the lines and actuators. I can pinch off all the lines and it stays running. I pulled off the isc and put a sheet metal plate in between it and the throttle body. Surge and high idle is still there. I put a piece of duck tape over the hole on the inside of the throttle body for the iac and the engine idled at about 400-500 and the lope went away. Are these the right steps to take, and if so does this mean my iac is bad or not getting to temp?
Here is a video showing what the car was doing. Here
On another point, I ran the car for a couple minutes to see what the temp was at the iac, the tstat housing was getting over 120 using a temperature probe on my ohmeter but the iac housing wasn't even at 85 degrees. Shouldn't it be just as hot as the tstat housing, or does it follow a different coolant path?
Here is a video showing what the car was doing. Here
On another point, I ran the car for a couple minutes to see what the temp was at the iac, the tstat housing was getting over 120 using a temperature probe on my ohmeter but the iac housing wasn't even at 85 degrees. Shouldn't it be just as hot as the tstat housing, or does it follow a different coolant path?