Actually I had fun. I really did not measure them but an average size nipple from a vacuum T would not fit. I did not have a plan but everything went smooth. Had to go radical to clean them out in the best possible way. Just when I thought they were clean more crap came out!!
What had to be done.
LOts and lots of carb cleaner were used as well as degreaser. I fitted the red straw with a piece of hose a T fitting and tried inserting them in each port but it was not working.
Left it soaking overnight to think over what could be done.
I also cleaned TB. Thoroughly and made sure the nipple on top was not blocked(it was!!)
Next day after reading that JBweld works on aluminum I said Voila!! Drill time!!
This approach was really my savior. There was no way in the World that I could have cleaned them out without doing this. I had a long thin metal scraper that I inserted thru the opposite side of the EGR port
and from there and the underside drills
![Filename: IMG_1946.jpeg
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08-25-2014, 09:46 AM](attachment.php?thumbnail=94)
I had complete access to all ports. Then came the spraying, scrapping, hosing, scraping, spraying, hosing, well you get the idea. Afterwards all I had to do was get some slightly oversize screws dipped with JB Weld threaded them in and voila, brand new manifold with unclogged quad ports and EGR passages! Thanks for all your help. I have other pics and videos of the head passage cleaning.