yes, the 96 fsm by GM is full of errors.. but if you look carefully they are clearly wrong, wrong distributor, wrong usage of foot pounds for inch lbs/ and clearly 100 foot lbs is hopeless on any 6mm bolt. GM also deleted things, like the RTV in the side of rear brake backing plats. oops.... a whole step skipped, and will FAIL.
the store book rags are horrid. they mix 10 year, up, that is a hopeless cases, (but for some better than nothing)
now we go online data.. they too, they fail to read all 10 years of books, to see the truth. (it gets better in time online, unlike the rag books in autostores)
there are no pdf.s of these old cars, by Suzuki, or GM just 1, by one man-scan , (on 1996). so all we really have is , to see or buy rare used suzuki fam from ebay..... long wait that.
the 1998 fsm by GM i think gets all this correct. (rare to find one)
did you try
ill do a USA factorial on 96 -98 on A.C parts to see if there is variances... (pipes, pumps ,etc, but Ill have to tell you right off, many cars had 2 pumps used, and the R134a varies, just by that.)
in this case the PAG oil might vary too....
keep in mind, in 1989 tp 1998 the a/c is and addon system. with harness. totally separate.... in the factory... and can be substituted easy depending on factory suppliers.
just like , tires, windows, belts, hoses and shocks.
(low bidders. factory strikes? etc, can dictate what system is really there...)
really is the pag that matters most... as you can adjust freon ,up or down , using the special charts in the FSM..
the pag must match the compressor. make.
ok, im in the Suzuki EPC catalog.,... now...

there are at least 4 compressors used, N.America markets

1: CAMI versions. (canada assembly plant)
2: Japan verson. ( was this used during the above CAMI shut down in 1998?)
3: Canada E28 version. marketed to Canada only , to canada laws.
4: Puerto rico. E60 market.
these are all facts, and are on the extreme of complex.....
who to believe, surely not me,,, i can only offer "facts of variation" a pro shop might gander at your compressor and go, gee 'all wrong here in this book on that compr.
id read the compressor name and model and contact the makers of it, see if they have guide lines, (they do) on volume of R134a to Pag ratios.
also the PAG makers have this data, seen it. read the makers of the PAG , see they have a chart with volume of R134a to Pag ratios.
they do.... cheers and good luck, i hope you can find the truth in your case. and if you do please share it.....
the 96 book is full of errors due to the major USA EPA mandated changes (OBD2,) (chair kicked from under you trick)
so GM instead of translating the Suzuki 96 book.
you can clearly see they, took the GEO 95 book and attempted to hack in the 96 changes,,, it was a cheap fast attempt.... i can see this clearly.... looking at 2 GM books and the suzuki books side by side.
and in doing so, left in 8v TBI photos' for and engine now illegal here in uSA< (EPA rules again) oops....
the 96 book is full of early year marked photo;s, (wrong) 94-95' oops...
Nippon Denso , compressor?
there is a 4door and 2door, condenser. I have suzuk p/n for all if this is needed. ask.
diffr. Suction hose and discharge hose.
diffr, harness.
but not diffr, receiver drier.
same expansion valve.
same evap. core.
off EPC, CAT hope that helps.
and some of these changes sure can effect R134a Volumn, and PAG ratios.