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(01-25-2017, 02:41 AM)fixkick Wrote: flash code, (just like old GM) 12s is good. Gm has the same deal, even back to mid 80s... its not new, not at all, OBD1 is all like this,
even the first EFI vettes had this... same deal. GM did this way before the 1988 smog law was written, (jumping the gun was super smart by them)!!! (Cadillac Seville TBI 1979, 38 years of EFI)
until 1996. OBD2 happened, (youd be getting misfire codes)
make sure the dome fuse is good or the ECU memory goes dead, causing error driving , to be lost, when you stop and key
off, dome fuse good, is cure.
then drive, and make sure CEL stay off.
you said
heck eng light only came on or flashed when letting off the gas, (TOP WARNING HERE)
that means (dome fuse good) drive with the DIAG jumper inserted, (harmless this is ) and then the real error as you drive.
most the DTC that set , cause limphome, mode
and will loose power,go rich as a pig and blacken the spark plugs,
is this your diag fuse?
if yes then that is it.
if no its next to battery
the key things on this car (beside a full tuneup)
1: CRANK Front bolt, 17mm socket at 94/ft/lbs never less. no damage to snout and timed correctly the belt.
2: fuel pressure at spec.
3: distrib ok, no misfiring, no bad ignitor there.
4: fuel pressure at spec, cranking and running, fuel pressure is zero or falling keyon only, unlike 1991 and newer.
5: stuck in limphome (limpin or failsafe) *(most DTC error the)
6: ECU lost syndrome, mean ECU can not get fuel rate correct (its dumber then) top reason #1 above.
7: EGR stuck open , stall, only WOT works.
8: its not vacuum air leaks at all.
the dome fuse is right next to the HL fuse, head lamps
is this your box.? its a shame ever car the PO lost it, a dirty shame, forcing wire color validations...
you said it stall.
down hill to a stop
but can you prevent with fast right foot, (easy, hard, impossible) we need this KEY FACT.
keep the diag, jumper in place until car is fixed. and WIN. Yes, can pervent stall if I keep rpms up.
Still reading 12---did read 14 once, that.s all.
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1989 sidekick, first ones built not by cammi but in iwata japan , 8valve engine. map based.
floods sometime even hot.
wants to stall and flood, .WOT cures stall. this stall is gross misfiring of engine, top cause flooding. in this ase.
clean the ISC yeT. 2 wire device, to right of TB, throttle body.?
tuned up minus fuel filer (air?)
spark plugs set to .028" and never to NGK FACTORY setting .045" it will misfire, lacking proper gaps
parked 2 years, fuel was bad I bet, so suspect junk in the injector.
that flooding on this TBI engine, is all cylinders. unless 1 cylinder sparks bad, then only IT foods. (spark tips out at flood solves tts mystery,, one is wet others dry.
off road only car..
CAT gutted yet.? if yes it kills EGR dead. code 51 for ever. remove egr main vacuum hose and plug it,so it can suck air, (golf Tee'd)
if you had driven with the DIAGnostic jumper in place, you see that code causing the CEL lamp coming on before, cause.
MaP sensor hoses, clogged, or cracked. make sure vaccum makes it to map.
Injector cleaner, Techron can help, it has the good stuff inside, many dont.
on the engine, all (not 51) CODES, put ecu into limphome and that is flooding, rich mix, retarded spark, idle controls shut down
Limphome is to be avoided, when you see the CEL come on, say limphome, use the diag. jumper to learn what is messing up.
It can be something simple
old old 89s.... not to many running this old
Engine thermostat misssing, or those silly failsafe stats that lock open, preventing engine coolant from reaching 180f temp or more
ECT must read 300 ohms hot engine (KEY off,unplug it and ohm it out,with ohm meter, )
300 = 180f
if the engine does not reach 180f the EFI will go nuts on you.
next is TB, take off air horn, look in air horn as someone cuts the key to off. that sprayed fuel ends instantly, or injector leaks
look for wiring mods (hacks) at those 2 injector wires.... bad news that. and if found flooding never ends
those are the first things to check on barn found kick,(parked real long timee)
Do know once cat is gutted the EGR must be defected at that hose, above. or bad happens.(egr mod,valve goes nuts0
iD BE ALL OVER flash codes. if the CEL glows, (not NAG mode) then there is CODE,and must be found. now. put the Diag fuse in?
keep it in, let it flash for 1 full day ,12,12,12, oops, 14 ECT bad. floods. the ecu can send bunches of errors out. one after the other.
12 is OK code.
the CEL CAME ON,, getting the cude would be my #1
know this,
the hot Idle rpm is 800, (ac off, accessories off, head lamps off)
if not ,then the ISC is failing, in limphome mode,or gross misfiring(heard ,felt and seen rpm drop)
The 8v never misfires for vacuum leaks, it just races with full power.
EGR stuck open ,misfires super bad.
MAP hoses, leaking air, misfires. flooding. hose cracks,or fell off hoses. one car I saw,those hoses were returning to slime
they were so old the stock hoses were melting.. new hose time, some have filter in this line that can clog,(did new ,have it)
the FPR can fail stick closed and fuel pressure is at 60psi, 2x normal and bam flooding.
thats it,
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seems the CEL coming on driving has ended?