(12-22-2022, 04:29 PM)sunrise7 Wrote: 1.6 Liter, 5spd, 4wd, 93,000 miles on odometer
Weird symptom. It's hard starting when cold, but once running and warmed up, if you hold the gas pedal at about 2000 rpm the engine will start
to rev up and down between approximately 2500 and 1500 rpm. If you depress the pedal some more it will stop the cycling and hold at higher rpms.
Its only at about 2000 rpm where this cycling happens.
Car runs fine on the road, even at speeds to 65mph....
Does smell like it runs rich, but it runs....
Any ideas as to what it may be?
Something clogged in Throttle body?
Throttle position sensor issue ?
Idle air control valve malfunction ?
wow you nailed the top 3
the the iSC is stuck closed, but that surge hints he ISC is hunting like mad (we know it can)
the next poster nails the carb guy screwed the TB stop screw the never ever touch screw, my TB page, i cure that set the screw so
tv plate has gap of 0.0005 " not a typo, and is closed 99.99% the gap is to prevent TV from jamming to the bore only
the surge can be MAF errors. ever scan the PCM for DTC errors, from TPS or any thing that causes limphome.
the TPS in this car must be calibrated. if not the idle switch is dead making isc dead.
the TPS late to open the idle switch causes the ISC to fight the drivers right foot as he tips in the throttle with toe.
TV valve full of gunk cause air leak (illegal and causes TPS to lie)
first are scans why skip such a prime first step
gee tps errors/
see screwed again here
that hot idle 2000 rpm or more hints of ISC hunting and can be a huge air leak to the intake
the only legit air is from this path (not the TV) called metered air
1:maf is the only 1 path that feeds these 3 below.
2: bleed screw in the TB not screwed all out. or omg missing.?
3: the iSC path(electric)
4: the IAC path (wax thermal device)
that is all, there are no other pathes
one common failure now is the IAC thermal valve is dead. and stuck open and overloads the ISC for too much air.
the IAC must close 100% at 150f if not bad news, it is bad.
if that happens the ISC hunts but when closed air flows crazy high that the ISC can NOT STOP!
one way to prove that is block the IAC air port. covered on my 16v TB page
the air horn of the TB has a port there (IAC suck side) and I put clay there to block it for a test. quick
do not run car with air horn open, to TB .
the maf is not optional
the IAC port block test or the hard to remove screws on IAC below can be pulled and gasket blocked the whole iAC.
the wax pellet in the IAC dies and shrinks and makes IAC dead, or leaks air.
see the no touch screw here.