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1995 Tracker bog issue
I have a 16v 1995 tracker 4x4 that has been garage kept and 112,000 miles and maintained correctly. everything worked and ran like new until Hurricane harvey it got flooded to middle of dash sitting in driveway. after flood I drained all fluids except gas and dried it out, I have ran it for short periods of time in the last year and it has ran perfect. last week I decided it was time to get tags legal again and to start driving it, I drove about 3 miles, then parked over night next morning, it fired right up but would not get over about 200 rpm, just bogs, unhooked MAF revs fine. replaced maf, still bogs, replaced tps still bogs. no CEL codes just code 12
(09-20-2018, 06:09 AM)randyz71 Wrote: I have a 16v 1995 tracker 4x4 that has been garage kept and 112,000 miles and maintained correctly. everything worked and ran like new until Hurricane harvey it got flooded to middle of dash sitting in driveway. after flood I drained all fluids except gas and dried it out, I have ran it for short periods of time in the last year and it has ran perfect. last week I decided it was time to get tags legal again and to start driving it, I drove about 3 miles, then parked over night next morning, it fired right up but would not get over about 200 rpm, just bogs, unhooked MAF revs fine. (edit this is force limphome)

replaced maf, still bogs, (means new maf?) (edits by fixkick)

replaced tps still bogs. (this will not fix bog, but need to calibrated to get idle switch right, and also prevent hesitation, but bog is huge )

no CEL codes just code 12 (even while driving it? if possible?
ok, i barley throttled to get rpms up and floored it a couple time and it would just bog at about 1200 rpm WOT then a check engine light came on with code 52.

(code 52 means I'm rich (o2 proof)
Update, after starting back up it ran for about 20 seconds and CEL went back off.
water logged issues.
no car runs right with water to the dash center how an it? ever.
first of all the ECU is dead center or lower than the left front speaker, so first is removing any wet ECU
and put it in a hot attic for 3 days
or any oven that can be set to 125f no higher, mine does 250f min so cant use it.
it need to be dried out first, fully.
then use PCB cleaner sold at mouser.com it is 100% oil free cleaner,
the flush spray this next.

52 means,
hot engine, it is test.
and they you accelerate or cruise then cut the throttle pedal to zero (foot off throttle)
and as you do that engine pulls a hard vacuum,
and the injectors all cut fuel 100% (if not 52) if O2 bad 52's
it means at cut fuel the 02 failed to see only air flow past the valves (fuel is cut so only air flows) a
and 02 goes to near 0v, and yours did not.
that is what the test does 52, (DTC tests) its an early OBD2 crude test, called OBD monitors (tech wise)
or the ECU is soaking wet, omg how????? LOL

code 52, means the O2 sensor shows wrong data.
no 02 lasts under water, buy new one, it has only 1,
what well work wet helps too.
ECT works, wet. 300 ohms hot, (take like pure iron mud to make it read wrong)
ISC and IAC are ok, water do not make it to lower edge of TB bell mouth horn so they are OK.
injectors are ok.
engine is ok, not hyrdalocked and now bent rods.
IAC is ok, its water proof but do dry out its connector on the intake air cleaner box. but it really works just like the ECT .same spec. only faster acting)
TPS may be ok, if dried out.

bad>?list is here.
O2 is wrecked a given (learn that it has air ports that must never suck in water) (it has 2 inputs, exhaust gasses and a set of fresh air ports) replace it.
spark plugs,. and distributor and wires all suspected,
ECU soaked, 50% chance, if where on dash water hit , say using speaker grill left side was told,. then I can answer.
Im not sure exactly how deep water got on ECU, that was a year ago but If I remember correctly it did go under and it ran fine for awhile after. I have been leaning toward the ECU but the vehicle reacts whenever I unplug a sensor so I started thinking maybe ECU good. now it has black smoke at idle and soot coming out exhaust pipe.
so you Say Replace 02 sensor and put ECU in oven or a hot attic? or Replace 02 sensor and try to find a replacement ECU?
ECU is left speaker side
sure it speaker left all are, up to 1998 ecu location
just above fuse box here on mine.

02 is first get it out of there.
so the car ran perfect for 1 full year, soaking wet? be like the only car in the world that could do that, soak to center of dash,,
this car does not have OBD2 ECU, until 1996, usa laws. did that, if in USA. 1998 in canada with real not usa car.
that means scan tools dont work here, oBD2 tools endless choices no good here.
that means we cant just scan it and see what sensors are fibbing
but the 02 sure is, it told you that with code 52 or the injectors leak fuel.
there is an injector leak down test that works on all year EFI cars and all MPI cars.
running ok, and running right are 2 different things.
you do know the ECU can go to limp home mode, and the driver thinks car runs great right? and is NOT.
what matters more, on this car, is runs great, and gets 26mpg, and doesnt misfire, or bog or stink of fuel or run rich or foul spark plugs or surge, or stall.

Id say bad 02.
if not that the ECU needs to be dried out.

imagine for a moment,
it was soaked in water, then it dried out by it self. then if you looked at the ECU, you did not i bet with lid off) and is covered inside dried mud, hell sewage,even.
then later on humid data the dirt started conduction electronics as all mud and sewage does. damp.
and see all those many lines to the CPU and port expander inside, now leaking current in a totally illegal way? (laws of computers and electronics, not DOJ)
Id have cleaned mine day 2, car in shop.
pulled ECU and cleaned it toatally clean,

after all how can it work like that?
see this ,see all those 100s of lines on the PCB?

a rebuilt ecu is $400
pigs in poke sack, $100
O2, $25 to $50

your guess.

latent water damage is real, ask any electronics tech this, or like me 4 years at sea, ? endless long stories, on this.
water damage, is not just that , its river water, full of salts, mud , sewage, and god knows what.... and in the wrong places,
under fenders skins ok , in the electronics, no.
Thank you, will do these things.

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