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Hard start
sorry ,iirc, if i remember correctly slang. sorry for long post but ENGINE building is not simple, x10 that any suzuki..
so you have 6 COP coils ?
when you saying, Im removing plugs, do you mean
1:pull the COP off the sparkplug (boot coil an off)
2: both COP coil then spark plug unscrewed from head.
3:or removing the cop primary side connector? only/?

id really start with compression, after all , it takes a good engine to run. and is a validation of all work.
after all, if the cams are timed wrong, all this advanced work all, wasted. (DONE WIDE OPEN THROTTLE!)

BTW: by the way, the car has DLC connector, that has a timing freeze pins, insert a jumper to set static timing, at the CMP sensor.
suzuki name for this pin is "test switch terminal

on some its pin5 jumped to pin 4; HAS A rubber cap , and 6 pins. ( some books show D to E jump but D=4 so...) pin 4 is ground.
near battery or head light shell rear(right head)

my guess, is the plugs start on not rule is a factor of:
battery not charged, and removing spark plug , increase rum
that and sparked timed wrong,
and or cam timed wrong.
or all 3:
spark can be timed ,just cranking, with any timing light. dead engine.

thinks to check
spark at all 6 coils.
see static timing to 5 deg. BTDC.
REMOVE the freeze and see timing bounce from 11 to 15 degrees BTDC running (this is the ECU doing that, and is 100% normal)

we dont have H20s here but , the h25 on up at about 2003? the freeze plug was deleted, here, and only a suzuki scan tool can do this.
but yours does have the old way of setting static, timing, OBD1,

static can be set, not running, with a timing light, at 5 Degr. TDC
some H engines, have no marks, but just one, mark, at 0 degrees
in this case ,you must use a dial back timing light, to hit 5 (ccw on pully, counter clock wise)
this facts are very hard to find, but i collect them, suzuki are very rare here. and h20 not 1.

the ecu controls spark at all times, perfectly, and with huge spark tables in the ECU. based on load and rpm,or at idle.

but the cam must be timed correctly and 170 psi compression,or more.

one more thing if the cam is set wrong, cam, the spark can happen way too advanced, so far that the engine wants to start
backwards, this is one more reason for why it starts, with spark plugs removed, less cylinders, less back fire.

the cam is set wrong, has a notch at cam end, that is not adjustable
but the CMP sensor, is adjustable, but is very limited, so if cam is wrong timed, you will never ever get static time 5 BtdC.
my brother in law, set his cams wrong, then hacked the CMP to get timing right, (cut the slots) then a week later, this interference engine
blew up. (it was that close, that when fully hot, the valves hit the pistons.)
cam timing must be right, first. then hand turned for checks
that nothing hits, then compression tests
and last set static timing, before ever running any interference engine. or boom. the LAW OF DOHC, , IS What i call this rule.

if the compression is low, x 6, the cam IS TIMED wrong, stop, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars, (monopoly game)

THE ENGINE IS interference.

are you 100% sure the cams are timed perfect.
after all if the intake valves are bent, it might like , sparks out. see why?

we check cam time 3 times. 100%; hard as a nut, Im sure its right ,no ifs, ands buts,or questions.
then i hand turn the engine, 3 times 720 degrees.
no hiiting? felt
then i do a compression test wide open throttle all spark plugs out. it must be x6 over 170psi.
mine does 190. (psi is based on compression ratios which is high)

never start any DOCH ENGINE ,EVER, (fiddled) until sure cam is perfect. or you will wreck it.
some SOHC too are like this, but rare.

rule of DOHC, seen here, is real.



i try to cover it, I have the FSM at home but not here.

I also know some imported chains (from china dirt cheap)
are marked wrong,,not marked at all.
and have metal quality of cheese. "soft trash"

good chains are clearly marked and last over 200k miles.
same with guides, if guide fails, the chain fails with it.

Messages In This Thread
Hard start - by Lutzz - 01-14-2015, 08:44 AM
RE: Hard start - by fixkick - 01-14-2015, 11:24 AM
RE: Hard start - by Lutzz - 01-14-2015, 12:12 PM
RE: Hard start - by fixkick - 01-14-2015, 11:26 PM
RE: Hard start - by Lutzz - 01-15-2015, 08:58 AM
RE: Hard start - by fixkick - 01-15-2015, 12:04 PM
RE: Hard start - by fixkick - 01-15-2015, 11:35 PM

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