Quote:It isn't flooding, tried cranking with the throttle wide open.this makes no sense at all in first post (sorry not picking only you,just clarifying)
has fueling
has spark
but spark tips are dry.(no way)
this is a gross contradiction or you only cranked normally for say 1 t 5 seconds,
crank 3 times, for 5 seconds long, rest 1min between cranking sessions ( delay, 1min, saves damage to battery and starter motor )
see now the sparks plugs are soaking with fuel? sure they are, they MUST.
are the tips white, tan or black ? you never said color an that matters as does dripping in fuel, or oil or antifreeze. all evidence matter, even lack of.
Id say it is flooding, but if spark is good, the compression must be dead.
there are other rare failures, sure.
endless, even melted cat or ECU in limphome mode or far worse, HORROR MODE CALLED BACKUP mode.
key on, CEL lamp in cluster glows. (aka MIL aka SES)
if not ECU is sick or lacks POWER 12vdc .
I then insert the diagnostic jumper clip (or fuse as seen on some 89)s and make sure code 12 flashes out on the CEL lamp, if not tell what it does,.?
in backup mode the CEL lamps is DEAD and will flood and flood.
in limphome it will flood randomly, based on many facts. (air temps etc)
The diag fuse cars is left knee fuse box fuse.
if not there, its on the DLC 4 pin connector just in front of the battery. called DLC, diagnosic link connector.
a paper clip is used, type DLC or CEL in my search box in my signature below.