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wow, fuse cancer, now that is bad. and easy fix, glad it was so easy a fix . plug and go.
yes, the TPS is installed wrong. and will cause crazy high idle. (if ISC lost control , which is common)
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it was defiantly on wrong...I have it on correctly, gotta calibrate now. don't think I have any more vacuum leaks, but I still have to turn my duty cycle screw almost all the way in to maintain 800 rpm at hot idle. iac next?
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all way in on bleed, suggest more leaks. but there can be may paths.
pinch all hoses yet, (not pcv, not FPR, and not ISC hoses) the rest yes.
inspect those other hoses for leaks visual or with vacuum and tool .
even the brake booster can leak as can injector cushions. (tips)
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i Have done the pinch hoses test, found the evap vsv was bad. could blow right through it after removal. replaced it now that line is good. all the others have passed the test and look good. i disconnected the brake booster and plugged, no change so that wasn't the issue. i will keep checking today. maybe look up on how to use gas...last resort
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the TPS install is tricky
it must be indexed like the FSM shows.
if slapped on , the pins misaligned inside... easy.
that and then needs to be calibrated.
if not calibrated, idle controls fail.
or the ISC disengages late causing ECU to fight your right foot action. (drops out tool late) and acts very odd, even acts like TPS is bad, and is not.
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so i got the TPS on and im pretty sure its calibrated correctly, did a smoke test to look for vacuum leaks (that was pretty cool) found a bad vsv up front (replaced) and the pcv valve was letting a good amount of smoke into the valve cover. Took it off soaked and shaked it.. then prayed. That seem to let much less in. Haven't got a lean code since. Fingers crossed.
I have noticed a weird symptom.....if i hold the throttle at an even rpm (about 2,000) it will drop then catch itself and come back up. It will do this repeatedly if i hold the throttle at that certain spot????
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sorry , the vsv's are open, with key off, oddly true.
smoke setting is very tricky, even the exh. pipe and will smoke (one exh valve during intake valve at exh overlap period near TDC. end of exh stroke this happens
the leaky pcv might a tad too, it's got a tiny spring there ,that only allows sucking, from crank case to intake, its probably just old and leaking a tad.
Hunting, or surge.:
that is odd, sounds to me like its lean and hunting. there.
a natural(sic) lean hunt. (all gas engines do that leaned out too much)
so, is the scan tool slowing that its in , closed loop at idle.?
and 2000, in neutral/park it must? same? it must. (stead right foot)
and LTFT, not way off?, long term fuel trim ( -5% is normal for LTFT, ) if why plus % LTFT, may be dirty MAF or ail leaks (vacuum)
The maf is nautral +5%, the EFI system, removes that 5% and you get STOICH AFR. causing LTFT at -5% , the system sucks out the natural maf error.
at accel and w.o.t. the trim is dead, and only the MAF wins. (AFR)
that hunting is not the ISC< the ISC is disabled off idle. like that.
so is lean, i bet, but the scan tool will tell you, if the front 02 is good, and no exhaust leaks near front 02, that is.
nice work using a smoke machine, lots of fun that.
best is to start with a fresh 02, front and scan it. watch all sensors. and trim.
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03-25-2015, 02:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2015, 07:58 PM by mikedalcollo.)
vsv I found during the pinch hoses test and oddly enough they didn't smoke. Only the EGR mod.
Unfortunately my scan tool is very old and is only a pocket scan. It will only tell me codes and monitors that are incomplete, very basic. Will definitely look into more sophisticated scan tool with my next check.
I have cleaned the MAF... I may try and put the one I got from the junkyard on to see if that changes anything in the meantime.
The O2 sensor and EGR main are less than a month old, I got a brand new ones couple days after I got the tracker. I will double check for exhaust leaks.