(11-21-2021, 09:13 AM)Beastcub Wrote: EGAD!!! For such simple vehicles they certainly made the cruise difficult. Thanks as always. Maybe I should just drive it to you! LOL
all parts on these cars are brick dumb , or with very dumb computer.
1989 technology on all cars then, same deal until.
1996 is the big changes, 97 the TCM merged wite ECU and called PCM forever.
my wife's car 2010 has 12 computers onboard, even in the TAIL lamp housings.
it (cruise box) has no computer inside that has error codes. so is brick dumb.
your ECU , TCM and Rwal (brakes controller does have brains and error codes) if opted) does.
not the cruse box, and worst of all it is super rare this option,and no books on it to be found. what could be more hard? well a dangers to test it and the car moving, tops my list.
if you think this the trough the whole concept is dangerous. (back then) , think of all the ways to get in to trouble under cruise.(for sure brake switch jerry rigged.
for sure transmission faults (A/T-4speed?)( ever seen an A/T to false neutrals. (oops) seen not many a time. but the cruise can go wild if TCM can not tell the cruise to shut down NOW.
I dont' think there are any forums with this topic , never seen it, it is that rare.
here is all I can find on cruise. (huge posts mostly newer cars see last link below for bingo.
this guy here did the leg work back then.
Mr, DBacon.
see his PDF, I know him and know he did this fully correct. ( max details.)
yes the tracker ECU ( gm) all pins marked A-number are B- numbers, GM did that silly thing but the ECU is the same. Tracker and Sidekick.
tracker, GM GEO,
you now have valid schematic, 92-95 above PDF and all signal in and out of cruise, this is from 12 years ago and I even forgot reading it then but not now, seeing his face , BINGO.
now you know what we mean by not documents, this guy worked real hard to that then, and found only Russian drawings.