5speed new bearing kit and synchro;'s, all photos in my lib. No order this photo im checking fit. all is clean. I test the assembly with an drill motor on the input shaft (duct tape protected) and spin it slow and shift all gears on the floor, the photo here im testing all gears, with lid off. do not skip tests out of car. or waste 10 hours labor. in and out. |
.jpg) measure the secret gap here, with a feeler gauge. its like 20 thou or so. measure yours, and when putting on last bearing of main shaft set the gap to same as before. (look ma, no factory tools) |
 i have lots of odd parts, in my junk boxes, pipes, the like, fittings. you can see some odd things on my end of puller, to keep if straight when doing the long pulls. ( i have a small cheap press on a bench here, and i have rear axle bearing puller. too. see last photos. |
 the key to success is go slow, dont reverse any parts. and if stuck, sleep on it, in the AM, you go , ahh...... |
 this shows my home made long reach, chain puller... and my dowel rod to keep parts in proper order and no reversals. not even washer reversals are allowed. |
 this old one was no good, suzuki sold me a new one. (hard to find) |
 the org.. the gear was overheated and was blue, (lost temper) bad news. |

 the front cluster was blue, so that ended its life, my spare tranny, has good cluster. |
.jpg) shows the 2 balls. do not pull parts gang style, only 1 by one, or you will wreck these 2 balls. |
.jpg) the work of a mad man. shown for entertainment reasons. |
 nice cluster view. remove rear gear first and its snap rings, rear gear is off now, so with wood block ,and soft rubber hammer (snapring off ) , i hit the left bearing, and the cluster slides to the rear with its bearing, the rear gear slides past old bearing bore hole (magic) and now i can use a puller to pull the rear gear. the cluster is free to pull now. tricky huh? same deal for reversal, but i used a pipe (close fit) to press the right bearing back on. same with rear gear and its bearing, use rubber mallets, only, and never hit steel to steel ever. at the most brass drift pins,... in rare cases. I had to center the cluster so all snap rings fit on both ends, that part was tricky. |