Torque specs for SideKick
and Tracker 89 to 98. G16a/b ,1.6 liter Engines. ( no Samurai or
Sport 1.8L engines)

This data is not Guaranteed, it is
just a collation of facts for my journal. Please consult your FSM
for you car !
Values below 15 ft/lbs are best converted,
to Inch/Lbs , just
multiply by 12. and then an Inch/lb
torque wrenched used.
Example: 10 ft/lbs X 12 = 120 Inch/lbs.
Never over torgue any 6mm bolt on this engine, it is very easy to
do and they well snap, and for sure easy those old EGR bolts! (I buy
new ones for the EGR and use anti-seize on each I touch)
Compiled from 3+ sources and crosschecked with Mitchells, Chiltons
Commercial DBase and OEM FSM from GM(GEO) and Suzuki's.
GM torques tend to be single numbers for whatever reason. (GM
likes simple, so uses one number, it's all just a game for GM as all
bolts really do have a range)
The Suzuki torque's all come in ranges (mostly), so you can decide to
go low with oily bolts and higher for dry. (all bolts are spec'd that
way. ISO, SAE, standards .)
I always apply all bolts wet and use
the lower figures when offered. I use anti-seize compound all
external threads, that are very small 6mm threads. Water pump for
sure, EGR, Valve covers, etc.
The below data is is NO SUBSTITUTE for a matching FSM data, for your
exact car engine , and year.
Green is my
convenient inch/lb conversions (using low figure due to anti-seize
compound usage by me, SAE rules) I use a very accurate 0-200 inch/lb
click torque wrench (on all 6mm thread bolts.)
Most ft/lb torque wrenches below 10, are grossly inaccurate so use the
inch/lb wrench.
[ xxxxxxxx]
= or TSB revisions.
[ xxxxxxxx] =
16 valve (up to 95') values that are unique or out of 8v
All numbers below without inch or ft foot marks, are
Ft-lbs (newer tools are marked
in Lbs/Ft) Look carefully for Inch pounds in BOLD
and green
and do not
confuse them.
Spark Plugs............................................. ......
Intake/exhaust manifold nuts/bolts.................... 13.5 to
[Geo 17]
Throttle body bolts ,same is above.
Exhaust header flange nuts (steel) ......................29 to
43 same for manifold stiffener
Exhaust shield nuts and bolts ..............................
7.5 90 inch/lbs
Fuel feed pipe bolt to TB .....................................6 to
8.5 72 inch/lbs
Head Oil Jet (gallery)...........................................44
Camshaft sprocket center bolt.......................... 41 to
46 (use the rocker rail front 8mm hex plug and tool to lock this
cam wheel)
Cam valve lash lock
nuts................................ 11 to
13.5 132 inch/lbs
Rocker arm shaft retaining screws...................... 7 to
8.5 [Geo 89 inch/lbs] 84
inch/lbs The rumor is (no TSB filed) that the 8V engine the Philips screws used (countersunk ) were staked at the factory on later years. "ask a gun smith what stake means"
Rocker arm front shaft plug 16v.......................
16v Camshaft Carrier Cap bolts..x12................ 89
inch/lbs GEO spec. (must be staged up and down)
Valve Cover 8v ------------------------------ 35-44 Inch/Lbs (aka: Rocker
bolts) This is very very small torque, if you exceed this , the tin metal bends, and gasket leaks.
Valve Cover 16v----------------------------- 80-106 Inch/ Lbs ( more forgiving this cover, but the 6mm bolts must never be over this number ! or they will snap)
Crank Shaft Oil seal housing bolt ...................
7 to 8.5 84 inch/lbs
Cylinder head bolts ( always stage them 3 levels
8 valve
engine........................................ 51 to 54 (91')
16 valve
1.............................................. 26
2.............................................. 41
3.............................................. 52
Crankshaft pulley bolts.............8mm head....... 7.0
to 8.8 [89-91'] (92+ spec
is 12-13
ft/lbs) In 1992 both GEO's & Suzuki motors changed part numbers
of the bolt. {harder?} THIS BOLT M6 HAS A NON ISO
HEAD, its 8mm hex wrench
Crankshaft pulley center bolt 17mm head ........ [ TSB # 423-07196 says 94 ft/lbs
for both 89' to 96 years , factory started Feb-96]
retroactive spec. Always is this torque.
8 valve
engine......................................... 58-65 (old) [new 94] do not use.
16 valve
engine......................................... 81 ( old)
[new 94] do not use.
Oil pump gear plate bolts.................................. 7 to
8.5 rear 84 inch/lbs
Oil pump-to-block bolts.................................... 7 to
8.5 front 84 inch/lbs
[Geo 97 inch/lbs]
Oil pressure switch ----------------------------- 9 to 10.5
Oil pan bolts/nuts........................................... 7
to 8.5 84 inch/lbs No
gaskets allowed after 1995
Oil pan drain bolt
.......................................... 22 to 28.5
Oil Strainer and basket bolt............................. 97
Flywheel/drive plate bolts.................................. 54.5
to 57.5
Timing belt cover.....nuts&bolts........................ 7
to 8.5
(GEO 89 Inch/lbs) 84 inch/lbs
Rear main seal housing bolts.............................
8 96
inch/lbs [Geo 106 inch/lbs ]
Timing belt tensioner Idler center bolt............. 17.5
21.5 (GEO 20 Ft/lbs)
Timing belt tensioner STUD nut ....................... 7 to
8.5 (Geo 97 inch-lbs)
Engine mounting center member bolt..................
43 [Geo 40ft/lbs]
Engine mount chassis or engine side mounts ....... 36.5 to
43 [Geo 40 ft/lbs right and left]
Distributor gear case bolts................................ 6 to
7.2 ( 89 inch /lbs GEO) 72
Main bearing cap bolts..................................... 36.5
to 41
Connecting rod cap nuts.................................. 24 to
Spark plugs ....................................................
14.5 to 21.5
Water coolant pump base bolts .........................7.5
to 9 (91') (96 GEO
106 inch/lbs )
[1995 Suzuki shows 9-12 ft/lbs] 90
Water coolant pump pulley Nuts.........................97
inch/lbs 84 inch/lbs
Cooling fan /clutch nut
..................................... 7.5
to 9 90 inch/lbs
Torque Converter bolt ..................................... 36.5 to
Special Sealants:
Distributor base box over rocker rail uses Silicon RTV , use
Permatex high temp silicon rubber sealants. No bath tube caulk.
#6 rear ,Cam Cap Cover , cap bottom , with RTV ,
No PAN gaskets
allowed after 1995 or the crank CKP crank sensor WILL fail. (it
will bounce and drive you and ECU nuts)
No G16 left the factory with any sort of real pan gasket. Its glued on in the factory and pressure tested, day 1.
How ever most gasket kits come one a pan gasket, as this is far
more easy to use then doing a good RTV glue job. 1989 to
The pre
95s you can use a nice Felpro gasket saving you lots of grief of RTV;
praying that it seals. Yes, do use gaskets, on the early engines.
Starting in 1996 the CKP crank sensors ,all malfunction if you add a pan gasket , due to stand off error at sensor. Don't do this or get DTC P0355 errors, smog tests, fail , and now the OBD2 "misfire monitor" is dead, failing smog 2 ways now.
Loctite(tm) 414 the flywheel center bolts. I use this
substitute called loctite Blue Removable
No.242 ,into the crank.
Loctite(tm) 414 Super bonder ,the Rear main seal housing
bolts. Cyanoacrylate adhesives or Super Glue works
ok, on this aluminum thread.
Manual Transmission
Oil fill and drain plugs.......................................
20 I don't use loctite as prescribed. (especially that
side plug)
Transmission-to-engine bolts/nuts (Bell outer front flange)
Upper and lower
Sidekick/Tracker....................................... 51 to
72 [Geo shows 72]
Input shaft bearing retainer bolts....................... 14 to
Transmission cross member bolts --------------- 44
Transmission mount bolts ---------------------- 44
Lower transmission to engine --------------------72
Left and right transmission to engine side braces-- 72
Gear shift lever case bolts ------------------------17
Inspection cover bolts 6mm --------------------- 89 inch/lbs
speedo driven case bolt 6mm --------------------106
shift extension case bolts --------------------------- 20
Gear shift boot plate to body screws --------------- 62 inch/lbs
Starter bolts /nuts ---------------------------------- 22
For Clutch and more transmission torque data see
Auto Transmission
Transmission-to-engine bolts and nuts................ 62
Torque converter-to-driveplate bolt................... 62
Oil pan bolts............................................. .....
9 [GEO 97 inch lbs] 108 inch/lbs
Transfer Case
Transfer case-to-transmission nuts..................... 20
Shift lever case center bolt............................... 60
Shift lever case bolts
Sidekick...................................... ............
Tracker....................................... ............ 20
Clutch and Drivetrain
Pressure plate-to-flywheel bolts.............................. 14
to 20
Driveshaft nuts and bolts
Sidekick and
Tracker....................................... 36 to
Freewheeling hub
Manual locking
Hub body
bolts......................................... 15 to 22
Hub cover
bolts........................................ 72 to
109 in-lbs
Automatic locking
Hub body
bolts......................................... 15 to 21
Pressure plate-to-flywheel bolts.............................. 14
to 20
[Geo 17]
Driveaxle flange bolt and nut (Sidekick/Tracker)......... 29 to
Front axle housing mounting bolts (Sidekick/Tracker)
......... 37
........ 37
................... 37
Front wheel bearing locknut (Sidekick/Tracker)
1992 and earlier (all
models)............................. 89 to
1993 and later
Tracker.................................... ............... 155
Sidekick................................... ................ 180
Differential carrier bolts
Sidekick/Tracker........................................... .. 41
Differential drain plugs
................... 32
................... 36
Brake backing plate bolts/nuts.................................
14 to
Wheel lug nuts..............................................
........ 60
Bell housing to Tranny case
................................... 36.5 Ft/lbs
( front bearing plate is 12.5 ft/lbs) ( see full spec here on type 1
5speed Transmissions )
Front Suspension
Sidekick and Tracker
Front strut/shock absorber upper mounting
nuts.......... 14 to 22
Front strut/shock absorber-to-steering
knuckle nuts.... 58 to 75
Lower control arm
.......... 50 to 75
........... 65 to 100
Balljoint stud
..... 32 to 50
Balljoint-to-lower arm
nuts....................................... 50 to 75
Spindle-to-steering knuckle
bolts............................... 29
to 43
Rear Suspension
Sidekick and Tracker
Rear balljoint boss
bolts........................................... 2 9 to 43
Upper arm
......... 58 to 72
Proportioning stay
bolts........................................... 1 7
Trailing rod
....... 58 to 72
Steering wheel nut........................................ 18 to
Steering gear mounting bolts........................... 51 to 65
Intermediate shaft pinch bolt.......................... 14 to 22
Pitman arm-to-steering gear nut...................... 101 to 129
Tie-rod end ballstud nut................................. 22 to
Steering shaft rubber joint bolts....................... 11 to 18
Pitman arm nut............................................. 101
to 129
Center link nut (Sidekick/Tracker)..................... 22 to 50
Idler arm nut (Sidekick/Tracker)....................... 50 to 72
Steering knuckle seal retainer bolts................... 96 in-lbs
Fuel and Exhaust
O2 sensor............................................ ..........
Thermostat housing bolts................................. 7 to
84 inch/lbs
Water pump-to-block bolts/nuts...................... 7 to
9 84 inch/lbs
Brake bleeder screw........................................ 8
Brake hose-to-caliper inlet fitting bolt................ 14 to 18
Caliper carrier bolts......................................... 51
to 72
Caliper mounting bolts..................................... 18 to
Master cylinder mounting nuts........................... 7 to 12
Power brake booster mounting nuts.................... 7 to 12
Wheel cylinder mounting bolts........................... 6 to 9
Glass stud
nut........................................... 4
bolt.............................................. ... 26
nut............................................... . 4
screw............................................. . 7
Front door vent window screw............................ 1
Rear door stationary glass channel frame screw..... 1
Hood hinge bolt.............................................. ..
Lift gate
bolt.............................................. ... 7
screw............................................. . 7
screw............................................. 22
Front seat frame-to-floor nut.............................. 18
Rear seat-to-seat back cushion hinge bolt............. 33
Safety belt anchor
bolt...................................... 36
Errata: (making these
GM errors , destroys the screw or the object that you are screwing into.... strips out....)
The 96 Geo Tracker a few horrible errors.
but obvious<<< ERRORS Galore!.
Page 6A1-4 Shows tighten the RAD shroud botls to 89 ft/lbs the Ft should be
inch or they will strip out instantly. these errors by GM repeats through out manual.
Page 6A1-62 Shows , Coolant pump pulley nuts as 97 ft/lbs ,again they mean inch. (off by a factor 12
:1 , sadly)
Any 6mm bolt with huge Ft/lb spec is wrong anything over 106
inch/lbs is wrong on 6mm !
and this FSM forgets the Crank timing gear bolt spec. published
in same year, of 94 ft/lbs.
NO , I'M SORRY 100 Foot POUNDs of torque
will never work
for any m6 or m8 machine screw on the whole car. (any
car) Only some M14 bolts
can use that torque, see link to left for why!
The big limit is the aluminun you are screwing INTO, then if steel , either can
fail if over torqued.
Our bolts are mostly 8.8 grade, The crank my be grade 10. not
sure. but 94/ft-lbs is spec.
If you ever over torque a screw and the object screwed into was not
destroyed, then the bolt was yielded, (a word for bad) throw it away
and start over, with a new bolt.
Steel in to steel dry: 8.78 grade
M8 is 18 ft/lbs (in aluminum use SUZUKI spec, not steel to steel
M6 is 7 ft/lbs (the cam caps 16v are 89 inch /lbs,
or 7.4 foot/lbs, and never 89 ft/lbs (12times
For bolts not covered in the tables. We use the generic spec. on bolts. This is covered in the FSM in the general service pages. seen here. Page 9, figure 17 seen here.
Example of above. m6 bolt steel, 4 Ft/lbs that is 48
inch/lbs. (note the gross error in GM book above, using the words what pray tell is that? "they meant Ft./lbs....sadly
one more GM error.
This 4 Ft/lbs is for the softest metal bolts made, and is not correct for this car, the correct numbers are listed as Grade 8.8. and for M6 bolts that is 5.8 to 7.7 ft/lbs or 92 inch lbs max, ( except pan or valve cover if using cork !)
The key facts here, are not to exceed the bolts actual spec. as seen
the last link above . When reading any GM books , assume there are huge
errors from the translation from Suzuki book to GM books, it is
very common. (be a skeptic with GM books)
In the N.American cars, we have. Odd sized (non SAE/non ISO head sized, crank pulley tiny machine
screws (bolts)
See Suzuki P/N here.
for crank pulley parts
The pulley uses a BOLT M6 that HAS A NON standard ISO HEAD, it's
8mm hex wrench size (odd) , if you buy any standard. ISO bolt it will have 10mm
head and will NOT work, the socket wrench will not fit and binds
against the pulley curve.
buy a real Suzuki bolt , see link above, or buy an Allen socket head M6
bolt. So you can turn it with wrench (Allen).
ver3 5-1-2015 ,small edits , typo's... and better links. added the factory staking trick. seen on many older 8v.