TESTING that pesky AIR METER on 16 valve
engines, USA uses -58B meters.
NO 57B data, for EU Type 2 engines. what does -57B or -57B mean, that is part number stamped on the side of the MAF All testing and data on this page are 13800-58B00 (USA only) See Realities here. News flash see China Clone MAF, fully rev. engineered and repaired. I made this crude excel plot. ( Excel need, if not see jpg echo) MASS AIR FLOW
Meter , MAF or LuftMassenMesser (German)
There are 2 kinds of the meter the MASS or the Volume Air flow.
This page is not for Force Induction guys, or Turbo wana be's ,it is only to test for good and bad FAM. My guess, is this MAF goes non linear badly after 100 grams/second, and would be a bad choice for any forced induction usage, nor do I know when the ECU MAF INTERNAL TABLE END'S. The ECU needs this meter, to know the quantity of air entering the engine at all times, either as a mass (weight) or as a volume (cubic feet?) This live data is needed to calculate the injection needs of the engine. (besides other factors) I will make no attempts on this page to teach you, the difference from mass and air flow but the wikipedia does that so well. This page is my personal log for collecting facts and data and how to test this simple device. There is no content warranty here, use it or leave it. The technician only needs and whan's to know, is it good or is it bad.? Some MAF's actually do a Hot wire, coke burn off session, each power up cycle. We think this MAF does not do that step each key on., the 58B MAF. The pure mechanical Air meter , Air flow meter , the vane can stick or the Pot. Inside can get flat spots. (a nasty thing that is...) The same is true for the 57B, it can stick or have flat spots at certain air flows. The 58B Electronic MAF, is a far superior product, than any funky vane sensor. ( a toy like device) The MAF output is logarithmic and needs ECU table to convert this log data to linear grams per second, so it can calculate how much fuel to add the THIS air flow. The
Air Flow meter on many cars, is a simple flapper vane and a
potentiometer. Crude as can be.(but effective ) The
Suzuki outside the USA uses a spring loaded cone Air Flow
meter. seen below.
USA meter is a true MAF. The MAF uses a HOT wire for measure AIR MASS
MASS measurement is improved by measuring air temperature.
1.6L MFI (MPI) Engine
fuel injected engines, 1.6L and
1.8L and others) Suzuki Sidekicks
and Geo Trackers. 92-98'. (same Suzuki P/N sensor all years
13800-58B00 USA)
My way: ( no crawling on belly or back , not yet) 13800-58B00
This concludes my MAF test on car.
FAST RULE LIST 1a: Output.Gray-black wire (running unless stated other wise) all the way to fail. 13800-58B00
The Factory way: 13800-58B00 NOTE: It
is necessary to use a
Digital Voltmeter (DVM) set to
the voltmeter function, or a high-impedance (10
,000 ohms / volts minimum)
voltmeter, otherwise
erroneous readings will occur. Any DMM,DVM
will work ,this warning is for
antique tools. Any DSO will work or any
scope. 1. Use the DVM
to measure the battery voltage
(positive DVM lead to the
positive battery terminal, and the negative
DVM lead to the negative
battery terminal). Note the battery
voltage. 2a:
Jump to the end to do my Fast Test
of the MAF , right at the sensor itself. (last paragraph) 2b. Remove and position
the ECM/ECU along with its
bracket, relays, fuse panel and
wiring harness on the floor of the
vehicle. Re-attach the wiring harness
connectors to the ECM. This
is done to allow access
to the unit during testing. 3. Disengage the wiring
harness connector from the MAF
sensor. 4. Attach the positive
lead of the DVM to
the B+ terminal (positive battery voltage) of
the MAF sensor
wiring harness side connector.
Connect the negative DVM lead
to a good
engine ground.
B+ means Battery
5. Turn the ignition
ON and
ensure that the voltage at
the connector is the same
as the battery voltage noted
earlier. If the voltage is
not the same, inspect the
wiring harness for an open
or short circuit. 6. Turn the ignition
OFF, then reattach
the wiring harness connector to the MAF
sensor connector. 7. Backprobe one of
the DVM leads to ECM
terminal B8 , and
the other DVM lead to
a good chassis ground. Turn
the ignition switch ON and read
the voltage of terminal B8. The
voltage observed should
be 1.0–1.6 volts. 8. Start the engine
and once again check the
voltage at terminal E32–9. The
voltage should be lower than 5 volts
(exact specification
is 1.7–2.0 volts) at idle
and gradually rise as you
increase engine speed (rpm). It might rise to 3 to 4 or 5vdc if you test at
full throttle
and under heavy load. If you
have an automatic , do so in Drive, and floor gas pedal (brakes locked) With a
manual tranny , you need to be more creative. (wires
dangling from fire wall to passenger with meter) 9. If the voltage
did not react as described,
there is a problem in
the wiring harness, the connectors,
the MAF sensor
or the ECM.
THE 1996 and
newer (USA)
1. Attach a scan
tool to the Data Link
Connector (DLC) with the ignition
OFF. 2. Start the engine
and allow it to reach
normal operating temperature. 3. Using the scan
tool, check the values displayed
The airflow rate should be 0.20–0.53
lb. per minute (1.5–4.0 grams
per second) at idle, and
0.66–1.32 lbs. per minute (5.0–10.0 grams per
second) at 2,500 rpm. A. If the values displayed by the scan tool do not match those specified, the MAF sensor is faulty; replace
the throttle body with a new one. B.
If the values displayed by your scan tool match those specified,
the problem is an intermittent
The MAF can be data logged with
scan tool like this. Better plot with TPS ,throttle logs.
Factory TECH1 © or 2
scan tool, can read the live flow rates of the MAF 92-95’.
Starting in 1996 OBD2 scan tools can plot this
This was
obtained, at wide
open throttle during the 1 > 2 shift
point , up a tall hill. ( i get max in 3rd gear
WOT up hill )
I don’t think a vacuum cleaner can do that. BUT A LEAF
MAF pin Out
list: (typ.
92-95’) USA ! models.
![]() THE CHICKEN AND THE EGG: 13800-58B00 Using and engine that has and EFI that does not have mimic or failsafe mode, like the Old 1975+Bosch L-Jetronics systems. If the vane jams shut , the car will not run, VAF output zero ! So how can you test the VAF/MAF if you can't start the engine, the classic chicken and the egg, joke . (see vacuum cleaner above) Fast forward to 1992 (USA) and Suzuki has a ECU that has fail safe and mimic modes. This car starts, and will mimic the dead MAF/VAF and run , and run rich. It throws a DTC code and the MAF/VAF is dead, sitting at say 0v. codes: pre96' "33/34 code, 96'+ P0101-1023" But some MAF's will be weak. No DTC code, This is where Mr. Warren comes in with the MAF/VAF simulator box. A real test: 13800-58B00 The only other way, is to use a Leaf Blower attached to the MAF off car and then monitor the output with power applied and spinning up the blower. Another good application of duct tape (blower to MAF) Wire colors: You may have up to 5 pins on some models 99+, MAF and IAT pins. (out side USA), but our USA MAF's are 3 pin MAF's 92-98' Pin colors: Power 12vdc , Blue/blk (or Blk/org) Ground , Black Signal out to ECU, Gray/black Live running test, connected in parallel to car wiring: I have been known to run wires from my MAF to the cab of the vehicle and then take readings while driving. (passenger helps me) Using back probing of the connector. The Mimic mode trick test: Don't be fooled if this happens, The car will still run with a dead MAF, like crap for sure. One can then connect the MAF as below , and test the MAF by itself , on car, if the ECU has a good mimic mode method. Most ECU's can mimic a dead MAF using TPS, RPM,Speed and Load tables stored in memory. ( its not fancy , and you may have power loss) But, you can test the MAF using the below method. Volt meter attached to TP , below. and meter ground to minus pin , BLACK. My MAF simulator ( this can save you $800) . ( A special thanks to Mr. Mark Warren at Motor magizine for my idea) Don't do this if you have a spare MAF just laying around..... Connect and run 3 wires from the MAF harness in engine bay connector 1 ,2 and 3 ( see color code in drawing 1 below) Next, have a passenger act as a MAF , guessing at air flow, when the engine bogs,, turn the knob Clock wise to ADD fuel. If the simulator and the passenger helper can easily correct the bog condition , your MAF is probably dead or weak. It is that simple. SEE my schematic of this SIMULATOR. Put a lable on the knob , marked Air flow and an arrow CW for max. The MAF enjoys a special PAIN, in the back side, for mechanics. This is the law of the Chicken and Egg, as in What came first. LAW1: The Motor can not make power with a dead maf (or weak) and the MAF can not be tested unless motor makes power ( motor can't SUCK) The simulator solves this problem (thanks to Mr. Warren ) Success with this simulator proves that higher MAF outputs , results in proper fuel injection rates. This test is never run until the fuel pressure is at specification, (near 30psi) and a good motor. (all other things checked out first, then attack the MAF) Bench testing my USA MAF ( DYI flow bench ): 13800-58B00 The Leaf Blower / Vacuum cleaner test: Air meter or Mass Air Flow SENSOR. ( I put on my tin foil hat and have at it .) This is non scientic in that I have no data on my shop vac. (flow data) This, is the Leaf Blower (vacuum cleaner? shop vacuum is far safe for MAP) )connected to the "A" side below , the other end vented to the atmosphere. Then apply 12vdc via battery or shop 12vdc power pack supply, as shown. Then monitor the TestPpoint pin below for 1 to 4.5vdc output , as you increase the blowers speed. MAF output is Gray/black to ECU. A NEW MAF is $900 in the USA, this one factcan motivate one. This is a GO, NOGO test. This test , proves the MAF is dead. A Dead MAF (or air meter) Operating , on the acutal car, this MAF will cause the ECU , to drop to MAF Failsafe mode and the ECU mimics this device. So, this test is the ACID test. If you have meter with a diode test mode , you will see a Diode Anode + on pins 1 to 3 and 2 to 3 (cathodes) see equiv. link. See this equivalent circuit, here.. All pins meassure over 2 meg ohms, (diode mode off) DRAWING 1: ( X equals a cut, do not do this to car harness this is a bench set up , with a removed harness for a wrecker yard, car ) Theory of a poor mans flow bench below : ![]() In mech, terms the above, the out put will vary from about 1v to 4vdc as you drive fast , wideopen throttle , up hill, at the 1>2 shift, is max AIR flow. G/s = grams per second ( yes, air does have mass !) The graphic above shows "X" volts for this test, and x = 1.4vdc vacuum off, and 3.0vdc vacuum on. "ShopVac10, 7.8Amp" {note1} The FSM does not show the pin number locations, so watch colors carefully. DTC Low fails below 0.64vdc DTC high fails if output sticks above 4.9vdc. The input impedance of the ECU on pn B6 (maf) is 1000 ohms, 1K (and is a precision termination resistor inside the ECU !) End tin foil hat: ( wish I hadn't sold my Variac ) OBD logging my MAF 1996 in my Tracker, data logging and testing by me: 13800-58B00 USING my OBD2 Palmer Scan tool data log feature, and Excel plots. I get a max of 55 grams/sec. of air, out of my MAF. The Proof is below. THE AIR IS MEASURED IN GRAMS. (RATE) These plots are from live data taken from any scan tool. (very easy to do) The method varies by you tools, design. All good tools can log data/ Graph 1: Graph 2: Graph 3: I found a bad thermostat , see it stuck at 160F. {it was grossly slow to regulate and then at the right point} The STAT is now, in the trash. The Best for last , click here to see a 1997' dynamic test of the MAF sensor. BUY A NEW/ REBUILT MAF? 13800-58B00 Not the dealer. they want $1019 now (2014) What a rip off.? a 20% price rise in 4 years. too. Not fleabay used, they want $100 for used ones, with no returns dead. Not fleabay China clones, because they are CRAP. Best price, is rockauto.com come, no better price or selection !! google em. Best USA maker (its rebuilt by pro's) is CARDONE. Their Ebay store: Example Ebay listing for above store. MAF PHOTO's (aka: THE AIR METER) The USA MASS AIR FLOW sensor.: SUZUKI p/n 13800-58B00 Below, is the common HOT wire type,see it?, clean that gently from 6 inches away with MAF cleaner. (carb cleaner in a PINCH) 100% Electronic. Do not remove this screen , it is not a screen it is a laminar flow device, it straightens the air so the hot wire can take readings accurately , don't molest the MAF. ![]() NON USA APPLICATIONS: Suzuki P/N: 13800-57B00 , Not used in USA. The other 58B AIR METER is used in USA ! This is NOT A MAF.! its and air flow meter. (volume) it is a VAF seen below. This is theSUZUKI EPC list for this part. This is the UK type 2 ECU , that this device connects to and the CO tuning resistors. I believe this below device, works in a way simular to this VAF Below: THE cone type AIR Flow METER. This device measures VOLUME of the air and never MASS flow! It looks like a Toilet plunger to the average mechanic, that has seen vast numbers of VAF sensors' on many cars. (VW back to 1975) I have no pin-out data on this device. (no DATA PERIOD !) "No cleaning is possible", are the reports I get, From Australia or Europe and other EU owners. (but I'd try to, I'd attemp to get the sliders clean) I am told this part is very hard to find. and if possible is insanely expensive new. $1000 at Suzuki acutal. This device measures, Air flow , not air mass. The technician, does not care too much about these EXACT data. (VAF/MAF) and only that it works at all speeds and loads. There are no dead accurate data from Suzuki on this VAF. Grams/sec to voltage tables, published, (sad huh ?) No USA books exist showing the VAF flow/voltage relationships, for this device only crude tests. like shown in the factory way above. I have no tests data for this device below, In fact, they are impossible to find here , in the U.S.A. If you have one, get the FSM for your cars country or market code, (match that , and you will get the facts) I show this photo, for identification purposes only, just in case you discover one. I think the below is 100% mechancical . ( and a variable resistor) The below may have an Air Temp; sensor too. (extra pins !) and IAT?. The 57B in all its glory. ![]() The ECU is custom tuned (tables) to match , which type of air meter is used, 57B or 58B ! I deleted my hacking seection and added this new section called RELALITES.
All data presented on the page is data supplied by Suzuki (or me) The one exception is in my Bench testing section above.{note1} Vacuum test data. Math: More data: (calcs, not factory spec.) 100% VE AIRFLOW (scfm) = DISPLACEMENT (ci) x RPM / 3456 (at standard temp an pressures) 97 CI times 5000 RPM div. by, 3456. 97x5000/3456 = 140 scfm. That the max air any 1.6L engine can flow. Our engine will be less. (note the VE is 100% and not achievable) (VE= Volumetric Efficiency , at best about 95%) A Parting shot: I never plotted FULLY the Suzuki MAF (sadly) on the high end, to see where it goes grossly nonlinear, and where it saturates, My guess, is it ends at 4.5v just like the Ford Probe above. Note carefully, that the top end is very bad, so using forced induction in the 4 to 4.5v range would be very bad. The flow there, is IN-DETERMINANT. Other MAFS, like the Toraus V8 MAF is horrible at idle and very good above that to the top. ( so do your testing or get real data sheets on your substituted Air meter.) The Suzuki maf ,is so good it used at idle. Other cars it's not. On some newer cars, the MAP is used at idle, then when the MAF starts working right, it comes on line. (Greg Banish covers this in his new book at Amazon) Most sad of all , most MFG, don't bother to put the plot , in the FSM. Very sad that. The MAF , goes to maximum in the Suzuki at 98ft./lbs, 4000RPM , max load. 1.6L MPI up a tall hill, using all engine power. at 4000 RPM. If the MAF is weak , you don;'t get the 98 fl/.lbs. you get less. This speaks volumes about a thing, called the chicken and the egg. ! The ECU can not detect a weak MAF, only the seat of the pants. (if bad, enough the ECU, might throw lean DTC codes,at wide open throttle, maybe......) Rev 7 5-26-2014, edits for turbo guys.... (may be more later as others try to do force induction and do more testing) Jargon confusing? Sure it is, but I only use 25 or so out of 3000 SAE terms. |