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Starter wires - where do they come from?!
Hi Fixkick:
in continuation of my son's car engine replacement, I believe I fried up the starter of the car last night! I realize that I had erroneously attached the negative battery cable to one of the lugs on the solenoid (the one opposite to the at accepting the positive wire from the battery), while it should have been attached to the top bolt securing the starter to body.

Below I have enclosed two pictures from your own repair page that show starter wiring hook ups. Unfortunately, I feel there is a discrepancy between the wiring shown on the top picture and the one on the bottom. I believe the bottom one is the correct one; since in the bottom picture, the wire coming directly from the battery (shown in red), which is incidentally black in my car, goes to where I believe it is supposed to go (which conflict the statement "Main Battery RED cable input: that is noted on the top picture). In any case, my question is which wire goes to the lug that is empty in the lower picture?

Here are my other questions:
1. Do I just change the solenoid, or I have damaged the entire starter?cl I have tested the starter and found that the clutch functions perfectly, and that the only thing that does not function, is that the gear does not spin when the starter is short-wired.
2. Have I damaged anything else by my initial incorrect wiring?

I would, as always, appreciate your input.


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
[color=#800080][b]91 Sidekick JX, 8V, S. Carolina Car, 2 dr, 3 speed Auto Trani, Halifax, NS, Canada[/b][/color]
you do know working ALtenrator or battery the battery neg lug is remove, or you risk battery rupture an flying acid?
with that set up the battery neg was on the solenoid contactor output lug.
ive no idea of the damage that can cause but you can blow up electronics on the car easy.

the side kick starter comes in 2 flavors new.
1: 2 huge lugs.
2: 1 huge, the other path is hardwired in to the starter motor, the above has lug wire in to motor.
2 kinds. there is no descrepancy here,
there is only one outer lug. and is used on all cars made. this way.

those 2 lugs are the main contactor relay inside, a huge bus bar, 1000 AMP rated switch. relay
the word starter solenoid is not accurate, its that and a contactor relay all in one.

there are no colors , if you read the schematic, its marked NCA, no color assigned. (new car) on the cables. (sure the tiny one ,keyline has colors)

which wire goes to this lug, answer NOTHING , leave it alone, its wired right out of the box all starters are wired right out of box, it the actual motor wire.
do not mess with that INNER LUG wire.

there are only 3 connections
1: the battery minus to starter top bolt. (ground)
2: outer wire huge, lug to battery +
3: and the tiny key line, its tiny every thing, it do'nt use 500 amps ever. only 8 amps.

i suspect this one fools you. (its a suzuki bad drawing, (ill fix that now) using dotted lines to make modules more accurate.

[Image: starting-1w.jpg]

i added leave alone to the page.
and corrected the (modular, errors. by japan-drawing dudes)
added many other clues.

best it to mark all wires, after taking off battery lug,
then put them back , check twice then turn key, or BOOM. can happen, hope not..... be safe, acid in the eyes is NO picnic.

i corrected this too.... it was a generic photo.... was.

[Image: starter-hotwire.jpg]
As always, thank you so much!
[color=#800080][b]91 Sidekick JX, 8V, S. Carolina Car, 2 dr, 3 speed Auto Trani, Halifax, NS, Canada[/b][/color]
and thanks for pointing out the weaknesses in the suzuki drawing. it was confusing.

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