11-27-2014, 05:31 PM
Greetings. Newbie here. Sorry if this is a repeat.
I worry my beloved 1992 Tracker LSI 4wd 5 speed is on the way out.
Have had since 1997 I think, $5600, was a beauty back then, now is looking 22 years old.
It has 183K miles, and over the course of about a two-three weeks went from a regular usual whine to a higher pitched one
I worry my beloved 1992 Tracker LSI 4wd 5 speed is on the way out.
Have had since 1997 I think, $5600, was a beauty back then, now is looking 22 years old.

It has 183K miles, and over the course of about a two-three weeks went from a regular usual whine to a higher pitched one