Ok here we go again. was driving home the other night when all of a sudden the sidekicks starts running rough as hell and hesitating. I limp the suzuki home one 1.5 miles or so. Today I have time and its not raining so I start trying to diagnose the problem. I figure its a burnt spark plug. I pull all the plugs and sure enough #2 is torched. I swap that out. This doesn't fix the problem. Still running bad and I have a constant knock very noticeable . start thinking I got a bad boot or a bad cop so I swap out the cop with another cylinder. to see if I can make #2 fire and cause a miss fire elsewhere. This doesn't work. still #2 is the problem. Beginning to think I have a bad injector. Any advice would be helpful. 
Also have a cheap code checker currently showing no codes even tho there is clearly something going on with #2 cylinder

Also have a cheap code checker currently showing no codes even tho there is clearly something going on with #2 cylinder