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90 Sidekick engine issues
Hey, I'm new here. This is my first post. And, there's probably already a Thread on the issue I am about to describe. However, I am doing this for a friend who doesn't have access to a computer nor how to use one. So, spending hours searching for an answer is not exactly what I'd like to be doing.

1990 Sidekick XJ (or is it JX?)

So, having introduced myself and providing some background info, here is the problem: He tells me that the engine goes pop (his words) and then basically only idles. I called it limp mode.

Anyway, he says he sent the computer off for a rebuild/repair and that did not correct the problem. He stated a new coil installed was no help.

Interestingly, he says that most of the time, he can just turn the key OFF and then restart the engine and it does fine.

So........ any ideas as to what's going on with this engine?

Messages In This Thread
90 Sidekick engine issues - by AndyBees - 11-25-2013, 10:09 AM
RE: 90 Sidekick engine issues - by fixkick - 11-25-2013, 12:22 PM

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