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1989 sidekick misfire when cold or when under electrical load
oh yes, the 8v has water pathes deep inside, I have photos of them and suzuki xray views.
wow that is rare,.... the sucking inside. of AF.

only 1 water hole
and a row that must be blocked. as seen here.

the 89s does not run hot water ISC only IAC is hotwater 89./90

water goes up then to the iAC and then out the hose.
so water can only leak if the base gasket is bad, or TB is cracked from ICE Freezing that is common, running pure water or weak AF.
I presume car is 5speed, the 3speed has base electric heater and 2 more things to break and leak water there.

here is the kit from SMP
and fits all years, 8v. (has extra parts to do that)

great news finding a water leak, to the intake. and cured.

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RE: 1989 sidekick misfire when cold or when under electrical load - by fixkick - 05-01-2018, 09:02 AM

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