working with no scan tool, makes the job very hard, due to lots of things that can fail. (spark?)
power lost
grounds bad, many there are.
cop fails.
eCU goes dead, lack of power or bad ECU
Main relay bad.
bad fuses, cracks inside them.
bad CKP or CMP
bad wiring to all the above.
I do know J18/j20 engine options, loves to fail CMP sensors but not sure on this car. and go heat sensitive ,hot fails only,
that is all I have on stalls.
Id have to drive it to see
when CEL comes on stalled, at what rpm or at all.
id have to see the tacho die. when , exactly , and what speed, and if engine and trans in 4th gear, and I hear the engine screaming fast and falling RPM with my ears.
know the rpm is still fast but of the tacho goes to 0 and engine is still spinning fast in 4th gear (stick shift) then I know the ECU is NOT HAPPY, for a fact.
but Id have to drive it and witness those key facts.
id be driving the scan tool logging but that is me. (lazy)
if I had to guess, no tools? no tests, etc.
sounds like bad CMP on back of head, rear cam , is a housing with CMP attached.
power lost
grounds bad, many there are.
cop fails.
eCU goes dead, lack of power or bad ECU
Main relay bad.
bad fuses, cracks inside them.
bad CKP or CMP
bad wiring to all the above.
I do know J18/j20 engine options, loves to fail CMP sensors but not sure on this car. and go heat sensitive ,hot fails only,
that is all I have on stalls.
Id have to drive it to see
when CEL comes on stalled, at what rpm or at all.
id have to see the tacho die. when , exactly , and what speed, and if engine and trans in 4th gear, and I hear the engine screaming fast and falling RPM with my ears.
know the rpm is still fast but of the tacho goes to 0 and engine is still spinning fast in 4th gear (stick shift) then I know the ECU is NOT HAPPY, for a fact.
but Id have to drive it and witness those key facts.
id be driving the scan tool logging but that is me. (lazy)
if I had to guess, no tools? no tests, etc.
sounds like bad CMP on back of head, rear cam , is a housing with CMP attached.