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1989 sidekick misfire when cold or when under electrical load
good symptoms to stump anyone, wow.
try voodoo yet?, just kidding....

id say its way to rich cold, only, cold , too rich misfire. and hot too,but is not Witnessed hot, because only MPG is hurt not driving.
the ECT reads right so the richness (normal is rich cold) but your extra rich stacks on the normal rich A+B=C and misfires.

either the injector IS over injecting by self, or from (fuel pressure must be, 34.1 to 39.8 PSI , & only changes with altitude or is bad, or air filter packed badly or FPR bad to the bone. (some do that with cracked diaphragms... and act odd has hell. (works fails works fails repeats... making catching it hard.)

if the pressure is ok, unchanging, ever. say parked and gunned throttle.
one of the sensors is bad
have you driven with o2 unplugged, in the off chance it's stuck at 0v, (even new one can stick with sneaky hidden exhaust cracks, sucking air)

solid 12s, no skips like tossing an egg at drummer boy, and he gets lost... ecu crashing does same. some cant even do the 12s. (get nothing)

if the O2 test passes, and the pressure is like a rock , unchanging, on flat ground, it must be the ecu. bad or FPR that is grossly intermittent.
the new cars 96+ we can drive all day and log all sensors, and not have to guess, on this car, not easy, (but ive done it the hard way (long wires and meters)

the 20mpg is all we really need, it's rich as miss PIGGY. she is stealing money out or your wallet.
your idle vacuum is great. btw.
cheers and good luck to you .!

PS; if I mention a part on car that is new, it is only to be complete. (or even new parts can be bad, rare sure)

your map is working right and the alternator.

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RE: 1989 sidekick misfire when cold or when under electrical load - by fixkick - 03-21-2018, 08:19 AM

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