the hot engine bay and engine will cure just about any paint , even too much.
it looks nice, and makes service more easy, seeing crack vastly more easy , no looking black parts in a black pit.
yes, those bottom intake bolts are a royal PITA , i had my son do mine, his young skinny arms did that easy.
some shops will discount work if you bring it in , ready to work. (valve springs off?) ask em'
ask for just grind, with low margin checks on poppets. and new valves , proven bad. (cant grind em)
$20 for both valve and seat is pretty good. dont forget exchange. for near $375
part of costs is the pressure checks.
and if warped , a de-warp bake step, then a mill job. (clean cut) .005" typ.
rockauto used to sell them from one of the top rebuilds
ouch 375 is now $428 , no inflation right.
MARshalls. this is turnkey.
on a shoe string?
lap all the good ones
grind the bad ones.
and let fly, (your call) everyone has different goals. no judging by me... some cars just pull stumps... or worst a swam buggy.
it looks nice, and makes service more easy, seeing crack vastly more easy , no looking black parts in a black pit.
yes, those bottom intake bolts are a royal PITA , i had my son do mine, his young skinny arms did that easy.
some shops will discount work if you bring it in , ready to work. (valve springs off?) ask em'
ask for just grind, with low margin checks on poppets. and new valves , proven bad. (cant grind em)
$20 for both valve and seat is pretty good. dont forget exchange. for near $375
part of costs is the pressure checks.
and if warped , a de-warp bake step, then a mill job. (clean cut) .005" typ.
rockauto used to sell them from one of the top rebuilds
ouch 375 is now $428 , no inflation right.
MARshalls. this is turnkey.
on a shoe string?
lap all the good ones
grind the bad ones.
and let fly, (your call) everyone has different goals. no judging by me... some cars just pull stumps... or worst a swam buggy.