08-28-2016, 09:36 PM
i never how wire (battery) injectors...sorry.
they are about 10ohms resistance so , about 1 amp flows at 12watts, this cant be good to the coil , overeating it like that...(in such a tiny place)
each injector has 10micron screens, if they get clogged, only back flushing them cleans them. seafoam is useless for that.
I'd work spark first. new mag mires, cap,rotor, and plugs. (a 60k tuneup)
distributor caps can carbon track inside and short (even hidden deep). killing a plug dead, or worse crossfiring them.
if spark is good then the noid test is next, if that passes. get the injector cleaned, professionally, using the right equipment, in an injector shop.
they use a pulse'r to fire them limiting duty cycle on them , so as not to damage them.
they use a cleaner (that is fire proof) and they ultra sonic-ally clean and back flush them ,first checking coil ohms , not damaged , do clean up great.
if all coils read same ohms then they may not be damaged, this is an easy test, too, using a $10 DMM ohm meter,,, this is called DC resistance checking the coils. all must be same, they have wire coils inside, same size, same turns count so read the same.
then they make sure the spray pattern is good, if not , they are junk.
any tiny 12v lamp works as NOID, it must be out keyon, or the wire is shorted or the ECU transistor seen on my ECU page is shorted.
if the car has 20 year old spark wires, like bingo? , they were cheap carbon string wire, that fail,.. some fail only shaking,,,, they are a Little horror,.
I put mag wires on all engines, they last way longer than carbon, and have hotter spark to the spark plugs.
Bosch makes a very nice mag wire, and is not over the top expensive like NGK mag wires.
good luck.
this ecu does not know if spark , makes it to the tip of the sparkplug, (plasma checks) so just keeps injecting, oblivious to that fact.
here is me , checking plasma. P, is plasma. you can see burn,,, there. using this Special probe, to measure it..
they are about 10ohms resistance so , about 1 amp flows at 12watts, this cant be good to the coil , overeating it like that...(in such a tiny place)
each injector has 10micron screens, if they get clogged, only back flushing them cleans them. seafoam is useless for that.
I'd work spark first. new mag mires, cap,rotor, and plugs. (a 60k tuneup)
distributor caps can carbon track inside and short (even hidden deep). killing a plug dead, or worse crossfiring them.
if spark is good then the noid test is next, if that passes. get the injector cleaned, professionally, using the right equipment, in an injector shop.
they use a pulse'r to fire them limiting duty cycle on them , so as not to damage them.
they use a cleaner (that is fire proof) and they ultra sonic-ally clean and back flush them ,first checking coil ohms , not damaged , do clean up great.
if all coils read same ohms then they may not be damaged, this is an easy test, too, using a $10 DMM ohm meter,,, this is called DC resistance checking the coils. all must be same, they have wire coils inside, same size, same turns count so read the same.
then they make sure the spray pattern is good, if not , they are junk.
any tiny 12v lamp works as NOID, it must be out keyon, or the wire is shorted or the ECU transistor seen on my ECU page is shorted.
if the car has 20 year old spark wires, like bingo? , they were cheap carbon string wire, that fail,.. some fail only shaking,,,, they are a Little horror,.
I put mag wires on all engines, they last way longer than carbon, and have hotter spark to the spark plugs.
Bosch makes a very nice mag wire, and is not over the top expensive like NGK mag wires.
good luck.
this ecu does not know if spark , makes it to the tip of the sparkplug, (plasma checks) so just keeps injecting, oblivious to that fact.
here is me , checking plasma. P, is plasma. you can see burn,,, there. using this Special probe, to measure it..
(08-28-2016, 01:25 PM)kyle.mccarley Wrote: I didnt use a noid lamp i just hooked each injector up to a set of jumpers and tapped the battery to make sure the selonids were working then soaked them all in seafoam overnight. thats why i figured i had a wiring problem. funny thing here though is i actually didnt check to see if that plug was even firing so imma do that in the morning and that should narrow it down. thanks for the reply