warning, I picked a brand, by rolling dice.
i had to look up the word
Broscience is the predominant brand of reasoning in bodybuilding circles where the anecdotal reports of jacked dudes are considered more credible than scientific research.
you can read anything you want on the internet. its infinite this...."a super nova like cloud"
best is to ask specific questions.
like , a specific brand and exact product and ask questions.
If this product ok for my old car. when fully or extra hot? using this X grade of product.?
some are not.
and can change every 6 months, in the new world products evolve fast, Green oil, low carbon foot print oil, animal fat oil. and near endless choices.
I say go main stream, what your local store sells, and is used by the most people. and has a full data sheet.
(not to mention uSA gov meddling in ever every walk of life )
i had to look up the word
Broscience is the predominant brand of reasoning in bodybuilding circles where the anecdotal reports of jacked dudes are considered more credible than scientific research.
you can read anything you want on the internet. its infinite this...."a super nova like cloud"
best is to ask specific questions.
like , a specific brand and exact product and ask questions.
If this product ok for my old car. when fully or extra hot? using this X grade of product.?
some are not.
and can change every 6 months, in the new world products evolve fast, Green oil, low carbon foot print oil, animal fat oil. and near endless choices.
I say go main stream, what your local store sells, and is used by the most people. and has a full data sheet.
(not to mention uSA gov meddling in ever every walk of life )