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97 Tracker - Poor Idle, Hesitation
Ok I used an el cheapo software called Scantool.net for windows. No graphing or logging, but it does show some PIDs.

MAF is clean by the looks of it (refreshing at 4hz) it shows anywhere from 3.6-5g/s

TPS shows up with a buttery smooth sweep (Key on Engine Off, sweep slowly from 0-100% with no jumps or dead spots).

O2 sensor is swinging from about .15V up to .95v regularly.

Long term fuel trim is at -9.4%. This may be a clue.

Short term fuel trim was -24% at idle with a small amount of fluctuation.

This maybe is linked to black plugs? Bad injector? Bad Fuel Pressure?

Is it odd that the ECU goes closed loop before the engine is fully warmed up?

Messages In This Thread
97 Tracker - Poor Idle, Hesitation - by Mike8500 - 01-04-2016, 11:20 AM
RE: 97 , the :15 event ! - by fixkick - 01-06-2016, 12:06 AM
RE: 97 Tracker - Poor Idle, Hesitation - by Mike8500 - 01-07-2016, 10:30 AM

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