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how to communicate Kia Pride 20pin Diagnustig connector
time base too slow. need more data, need more pulses...
what voltages is that? where is the scaling? what is the volts /division?
what time base is that, what is the time/division.

all that shows is a simple square wave.
what it comes from , or what it might be, is any ones guess.

rs232 is like in music the name syncopated,, or a'rithmic,.

start pulse, data1... data2...3,4,5,6,7,9, stop stop.
there will be data missing (unless all FF hex data)
for example the letter "A" is 41hex.
0100-0001 (binary.)
the serial data would look just like that, if the letter "A" was sent.
this is how serial comms work.


lets say, you decode the data, and saved it.
the data is useless to you.
you do not know what it is.

the only way to do this, as stated above, is to use a real working scan tool and monitor it.
reverse engineer all that.... months work.

(send a command for the scan ECT)
the capture the full Rx/TX responses.

you learn levels. (using a real scope)!
you learn the command out (your tx) structure and command set.
you learn the response to your RX (obd1 is voltage in many cases) eg, ECT volatage 0.65v = 180F water temp (ours)
repeat for every scan-able parameter of the working scan tool.

Messages In This Thread
RE: how to communicate Kia Pride 20pin Diagnustig connector - by fixkick - 11-23-2015, 11:48 PM

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