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how to communicate Kia Pride 20pin Diagnustig connector
that is just on ONE upsmanship from I2C. (a modern design that MAXIM is,,, ) look at 1990's through , 2015 eyes, this is not possible.
for sure has nothing to do with any 90s' designs
you forget to read my statement, obd1 is not a standard at all, each and every ECU maker, did what every they pleased (car maker the dictator)
there is no standard here... (its not OBD2 , JOBD or EOBD, it it was then yes, it is a standard, AND WAS THE PURPOSE TO DO THAT in 1996, (we invented that)

but INSIDE< KIA, if you worked there, this proprietary (secret) is at your hands. you are not there, so you can not look. nor can I, ($4000 is the charge for most car makers to see these docs, ive asked them.)

you need a book as thick as your arm to know how this works.
the signing levels. (my guess , poor TTL levels or worse)
the data transmissions and methods.
the baud rates.
the framing structures.
the handshaking rules. (if not only a delay , like back when, the XON/.OFF method,, used on DEC VT100s and other main frame systems.,
the the command set, how would you ever learn that ? (there is no way to guess, even if you land on something , what is that something, good luck there.)
and the analog to a/d conversion factors... and tables for that. in side the ECU hidden from you.

OBD1 sends out analog levels in HEX (A/D counts) (direct read off sensors with no conversions done)
OBD2, sends out temperatures, or air flows, or % throttle or o2 %. so we dont have to guess this.... its in real physics output, (a goal tool then)


why not try to find a scan tool that matches your car.?
surely you can find one in your country or a near by country that uses the same car. same engine, same ECU.
try to understand that the ECU does not just hook up and print out a page of text with live data. (if i was in charge, yes, that would happen!)

this will not ever happen on any 90s car. not even on my 2010 car.
on old cars its better tto replace the ECU with a custom ECU, now you have everything at hand and zero secrets..... per below... open source products.

buy it , connect it (not trivial) tune it , no more factory EFI. no more OBD1. gone ended. (not to mention the learning values)


not too many folks racing KIA's !
nor replacing ECUs to do so, that means the long long road to success... (zero help. and zero sharing of tuning tables.)

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RE: how to communicate Kia Pride 20pin Diagnustig connector - by fixkick - 11-22-2015, 05:10 AM

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