in almost all cases a shorted COIL primary will burn up the ECU internal, Ignitor driver transistor.
in later years, they used thermal protected IGT transistors to self protect from shorted coils. but not back in 1996. (the red hot and burn up)
is one coil pair still working? your first post made it seem to me both are dead.
and that is key to diagnosis.
after all if both are dead, it implies the ECU did so on purpose. (CKP/CMP dead)
did you try using alien coils on car. never do that. (or attempt so swap left and right coil, putting the shorted coil on a GOOD driver line?,now killing both lines?)
the primary impedance of all coils are different on all cars. huge variances.
the dwell time and current specs are different on all coils and must not be guessed at .. .or boom.
i do think now , that somehow, this German ECU is OBD2, as the pin 7 and 10 are wired. for ISO OBD2 signalling, it seems.
in later years, they used thermal protected IGT transistors to self protect from shorted coils. but not back in 1996. (the red hot and burn up)
is one coil pair still working? your first post made it seem to me both are dead.
and that is key to diagnosis.
after all if both are dead, it implies the ECU did so on purpose. (CKP/CMP dead)
did you try using alien coils on car. never do that. (or attempt so swap left and right coil, putting the shorted coil on a GOOD driver line?,now killing both lines?)
the primary impedance of all coils are different on all cars. huge variances.
the dwell time and current specs are different on all coils and must not be guessed at .. .or boom.
i do think now , that somehow, this German ECU is OBD2, as the pin 7 and 10 are wired. for ISO OBD2 signalling, it seems.