yes the spec, is hot (warm) but the cold does 170psi. easy
the next test is with oil to see if the valves leak or rings, if it's rings, (passes 170 now) then then you have a good head, something great to know and worth $400. that head if good.
if the head fails, the oil test, stays, at 90 or i real low , id do the alcohol test in the combustion chamber, test. just to see if the valves leak or maybe a cracked head?
just so I know what it is , for future usage... say i see 2 burned exh. valves... and leak... bad....
the rpm is usually 300 cranking, its not a bench mark only that the battery is not weak or spark left in, during the test.
and set the lash to spec, many heads are lost due to not ever setting lash and burning up valves. (60k service checks)
so make sure lash is good first. i forgot to say that , do that before all things,,,,,,, or all is a waste of time. doing checks.
what is hard working old parts. is not knowing the engine history.
one bet is that most engine are never ever serviced, only oil if lucky.
giving that, LASH is 1st.
then #2 the TSB check on the front crank pulley, is the bolt at 94 ft.lbs or loose, if Found loose. there will be damage.
the TSB is retro active from 1998 back to 89... all G16s.
the damage this causes is here, and is common. and 10x that if was A/T transmission behind it, prev. mech too lazy to read TSB or use crank locks.
in fact, id have the pulley and cog off , on arrival. just to see if the engine is even usable at all. (some are wrecked snouts, too much damage)
btw, i call that cog check a day 1 check.
if found 17mm head bolt loose. i dig deeper.
the next test is with oil to see if the valves leak or rings, if it's rings, (passes 170 now) then then you have a good head, something great to know and worth $400. that head if good.
if the head fails, the oil test, stays, at 90 or i real low , id do the alcohol test in the combustion chamber, test. just to see if the valves leak or maybe a cracked head?
just so I know what it is , for future usage... say i see 2 burned exh. valves... and leak... bad....
the rpm is usually 300 cranking, its not a bench mark only that the battery is not weak or spark left in, during the test.
and set the lash to spec, many heads are lost due to not ever setting lash and burning up valves. (60k service checks)
so make sure lash is good first. i forgot to say that , do that before all things,,,,,,, or all is a waste of time. doing checks.
what is hard working old parts. is not knowing the engine history.
one bet is that most engine are never ever serviced, only oil if lucky.
giving that, LASH is 1st.
then #2 the TSB check on the front crank pulley, is the bolt at 94 ft.lbs or loose, if Found loose. there will be damage.
the TSB is retro active from 1998 back to 89... all G16s.
the damage this causes is here, and is common. and 10x that if was A/T transmission behind it, prev. mech too lazy to read TSB or use crank locks.
in fact, id have the pulley and cog off , on arrival. just to see if the engine is even usable at all. (some are wrecked snouts, too much damage)
btw, i call that cog check a day 1 check.
if found 17mm head bolt loose. i dig deeper.