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Vehicle stabilty
hello ,good ,morning and wish you safe !!!
AND BETTER if Siped.(sp? sic)
get them siped, if not already

finding the data sheets, is not easy
most stores like yours, set tires to 36PSI, out door. (insurance company dictates? or since they have no data sheet they are clueless, (bingo)
If i was king each tired have the sheet attached, no bs.

not one time ever, did any tire store, in my life set tire pressure to car speck or datasheet,. 50+years.

its really my responsibility, to get pressure right after deviating from stock tires.

you had trouble a 20mph, i bet it was 32deg, icing, am i right.?
hard cold ice is easy to drive, not wet, (so called black ice) and better sanded,

there is no total cure for 32degr ice, in any car or any weight, its only a dream, traction can be 0. sorry.
ice tires,+ slow. is best.

or park, when we had that, everyone would call in Snow days.
i didnt, and wished had, every time.
60miles of hell.

Case in point 91 2door, (loves snow ,eats it for breakfastg)
I had LT235 on mine and run super low pressures., i did all the tests and took like a freakn week to get from Goodyear, to send a real sheet.
IIRC, it was 20PSI. (I forget)
Its all about insurance companies, they dont want to give the data sheets out, they think the users will get confused, and die.
its BS. ( i can get a datasheet on any part made, but tires, wow, what a royal PITA, understated !)
totally , how can FACTs be dangerous.? (load counts too)

ever seen long haul truck tires, those sheets, are everywhere, the driver is smart and uses them for load based calcs. of pressure.
on passenger tires, its pulling teeth, and is totally bs, their actions, IMO.

my LT needed, low pressure, in fact, the front tires, crowned so bad, the car could not be steered relaxed, wonder and weaves (horrid effects).
I used the chart, and did the chock tests, and no more bad steering (alignment was done first to no avail)

the bigger problem?
is if by magic your car run fast and true on 32deg F ice, 10 other cars hit you. its a fact, and is not solvable.
that is why parked is best, or have SURCHARGES for deliveries on ICE. big time more. (in fact have clause covering your full deductible)


others use a snow car
a 1995 what ever,
rusted end to end, worth zilch
this is very common. in the snow belts.
very much so....

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle stabilty - by [email protected] - 01-19-2015, 11:13 AM
RE: Vehicle stabilty - by fixkick - 01-19-2015, 12:08 PM
RE: Vehicle stabilty - by [email protected] - 01-20-2015, 12:40 AM
RE: Vehicle stabilty - by fixkick - 01-20-2015, 12:58 AM
RE: Vehicle stabilty - by [email protected] - 01-20-2015, 11:10 PM
RE: Vehicle stabilty - by fixkick - 01-20-2015, 11:38 PM

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