12-14-2014, 11:29 AM
I ordered the crankshaft cog and woodruff key from gmpartsgiant.com, the locktite 660 with primer from McMaster Carr, and a new timing cover (since the previous owners decided to cut off the bottom of the cover) from E-Bay (new stock). I also ordered a proper distributor rotor and cap, new spark plug wires and spark plugs. Once everything arrived and I was home I repaired the crankshaft as described on fixkick.com and reassembled everything. It started within a second and sounded great. After verifying the rpm with the handheld tachometer at 800rpm and freezing the timing, the timing was dead on. I took it for a test drive and it ran great.
Thank you for all the great advice and fantastic procedures on fixkick.com. My son will be happy. Now to fix the leaking power steering, but that is for another day.....
Thank you for all the great advice and fantastic procedures on fixkick.com. My son will be happy. Now to fix the leaking power steering, but that is for another day.....