05-06-2024, 02:23 AM
heck and power reaches the distributor, white wire 0.03v (cmp) , this is CMP you forgot to crank the engine, to see it toggle 0v>5v repeats
, blue wire almost 12v, this is battery FI fuse power and good key on.
and black the ground, 0v, this is good.
12v reaches the coil+ that means the IG coil fuse is not blown
the fire wall ground to IGNITOR must not fail. or the IGNORE stays asleep.
the full schematic is here for 1995, super close to yours
this gets all those details you do not know. real wiring ever bit shown
G110 bad (ground)
then see page7 and 8.
the Dizzy is ground at G110. if bad no spark will ever happen.
the Igniter is just a transistor is shown there, GM did that nicely!
pin2 of spark coil must make it to the igniter
brn/wht wire.
pin 3 on the igniter is the ECU spark signal out to the igniter base pin.3 a 5v pulse
this is GMs pages but are the same. (Geo)
as you know one can do the test 3 ways , end point to starting or starting point to end or start in the middle testing .
on complex systems we start in the middle this car is simple.
or do the easy to reach stuff first.
what I do is find the easy spot to reach first, the lazy bum I am.
the igniter may be that place.
it has 3 pins, he coil side and base pin both pulse (12v pulse and 5v pulse respectively)
and pin is ground and 0v all the time cranking,
the tests are all cranking, only. tests.
if you do that we soon find the bad part or the direction of the failing signal easy
, blue wire almost 12v, this is battery FI fuse power and good key on.
and black the ground, 0v, this is good.
12v reaches the coil+ that means the IG coil fuse is not blown
the fire wall ground to IGNITOR must not fail. or the IGNORE stays asleep.
the full schematic is here for 1995, super close to yours
this gets all those details you do not know. real wiring ever bit shown
G110 bad (ground)
then see page7 and 8.
the Dizzy is ground at G110. if bad no spark will ever happen.
the Igniter is just a transistor is shown there, GM did that nicely!
pin2 of spark coil must make it to the igniter
brn/wht wire.
pin 3 on the igniter is the ECU spark signal out to the igniter base pin.3 a 5v pulse
this is GMs pages but are the same. (Geo)
as you know one can do the test 3 ways , end point to starting or starting point to end or start in the middle testing .
on complex systems we start in the middle this car is simple.
or do the easy to reach stuff first.
what I do is find the easy spot to reach first, the lazy bum I am.
the igniter may be that place.
it has 3 pins, he coil side and base pin both pulse (12v pulse and 5v pulse respectively)
and pin is ground and 0v all the time cranking,
the tests are all cranking, only. tests.
if you do that we soon find the bad part or the direction of the failing signal easy