tell the scan too use? maker and model, I even have scan tool that works on my 95. (Actron and Snap_ON)
this car has no CAN bus. at all
it is CCD (custom jeep comms)
and pin 7 standard data. (if the scan to lacks pin7 , oops) many do.
can buss is p 6 and 14, you have none there, most cars did not until 2004 .
this car is 24 years old, pre CAN bus.
some 1996 scan tools will not work on this car.
some early tools, only do 1 or 5 signal lines.
only newest tools 2008 and newer do them all (on average) I am told, Can bus started in 2007 for the Wrangler.
this car has no CAN bus. at all
it is CCD (custom jeep comms)
and pin 7 standard data. (if the scan to lacks pin7 , oops) many do.
can buss is p 6 and 14, you have none there, most cars did not until 2004 .
this car is 24 years old, pre CAN bus.
some 1996 scan tools will not work on this car.
some early tools, only do 1 or 5 signal lines.
only newest tools 2008 and newer do them all (on average) I am told, Can bus started in 2007 for the Wrangler.