01-04-2021, 08:54 PM
(01-04-2021, 12:50 PM)1995 toad Wrote: did not drive it with the jumper in.. would one be able to see the code with how slow it cycles ... the timing change happens quickly and returns just as quickly.the timing is complex.. for sure different parked and not driving ,per that complex 3D timing chart I posted previously
under load the timing is less aggressive, do to the fuel burning faster under load, less advance is needed.
there are only 3 causes. (in the crude basics ASE training)
- bad engine. (like worn d down cam lobes or sticking head valve, cracked head leaking coolant deep inside. or cam timed wrong.)
- bad spark (end to end) and that includes ECU. ECU on this CAR times all spark and also generates it. ECU to the ignitor to coil to wires to plugs.
- bad fueling too rich will make spark tips foul and misfire. (even leaking injectors or sticking)
there is no scan tools sold in USA that can scan any OBD1, suzuki engine ecu.1989 to 1995 (96 up is OBD2 and tools are everywhere for those)
like I said before, one poor guy here replaced vast parts on the system and later found the tune job put in bad spark wire, those crap carbon core wire sets for $15
that is why assuming fails. (I changed that already , excuse)
learn this about this ECU and why I asked for code 12s driving
the ecu will see code 41 or 42 and if cures fast it eases ALL evidence of that error in seconds even in 10 seconds.
what does that mean , it means it can happen and you missed the fact that it did.
they cured this bad actor, in OBD2, P03xx codes stored for 2 driving cycle, and we get to see it. back home parked and looking.
OBD1 is not great system at all, useful sometime but not very good.
for example the 1996 car tells you which which cylinder is misfiring , just one or all. and if the PO335 distrib code is tripping stored in memory.
testing old cars in a shop, the shop uses a scope on the spark wire see why the spare fails. (called plasma resistance)
sees spark die on all cylinders is , bad spark coil or CMP or ignitor or the wire to coil is bad those crappy carbon wired bad?
spark fails dead on only one wire but the cap top"there", a bad wire on this plug.
spark does not fail but plasma is super high , means bad spark plug or no fuel in the cylinder to burn. (injector bad?)
if one has no powerful shop tools like that we can only guess, (after engine test pass)
- By guessing and starting cheap to more expensive parts, a new spark coil, new mag wires, new or rebuilt distrib. try to get spark stronger....
he found that horror by removing the Tachometer , speedo cluster, cable plug to the cluster then that is not it a and found the unused but connected cruse box
shorting the brown wire, due to capacitors bad deep inside it,. in the cruise box.
he kept miss seeing, the DTC error 41, but finally saw that for 1 second error driving, 12,12,12,41,12,12,12, that is was his only clue to this horror.
OBD1 , sucks not have OBD2 pending codes, feature set.! for sure.
cars this old we expect anything to fail and do....
code 42 for 1 second is a bad CMP or (primary side) wires to Distributor a wreck , and wrecked wires here this old is common. (even bad ground to distrib)
that other guy had a kid or buddy watch the CEL lamp flash as person 1 drove safely not distracted,
BE safe Please.