the gauge uses a 1 wire sensor, only, temperature coolant H and L. (if you ground out that sensor wire at sensor the gauge goes to HOT max. (1 min test max)
i say clean those wires on the claimed DLC connector first, make sure the blue yellow is present.
make sure all 3 fuses are in place and good
DOME (this one is ecu memory, check this,) the other 2 blown above make engine die. fuel and spark.
OK the BLue RED wire on your connector is DLC< but that wire is not Diagnostic wire, adjacent wire BLUE ,yellow is it and most be grounded to get CEL flash code. if not code 51, or 12, all others are very much hard failures.
51 is weak EGR , 12 is good happy code. other codes are bad sensors detected.
im still trying to find your orange wire, listed at rear wiper..
more later.
i say clean those wires on the claimed DLC connector first, make sure the blue yellow is present.
make sure all 3 fuses are in place and good
DOME (this one is ecu memory, check this,) the other 2 blown above make engine die. fuel and spark.
OK the BLue RED wire on your connector is DLC< but that wire is not Diagnostic wire, adjacent wire BLUE ,yellow is it and most be grounded to get CEL flash code. if not code 51, or 12, all others are very much hard failures.
51 is weak EGR , 12 is good happy code. other codes are bad sensors detected.
im still trying to find your orange wire, listed at rear wiper..
more later.