the bark tube (my name ) makes barking sounds or PUTT PUTT sounds if you run engine if it is removed.
this is what makes the modulator above .
this is hose. rubber, EPDM.
pipe 50 is present is a steel SST line.
the bark hose is on the #4 exhaust side not the Intake vacuum sides, but if the valve main is open it is both. obviously.
The PUTTS are strong, and the MOD regulates EGR exhaust flows. It looks like this.
flow is vertical axis. load on engine is horz, load is MOD valve measured, and THE CAT must present or load is zero full time. I cant see your engine whats there or missing so
I must guess what EGR grade you have, (engine with pipe 50 or not) pipe 50 is vastly more easy to service. (x10 that in smog states tested)
this is what makes the modulator above .
this is hose. rubber, EPDM.
pipe 50 is present is a steel SST line.
the bark hose is on the #4 exhaust side not the Intake vacuum sides, but if the valve main is open it is both. obviously.
The PUTTS are strong, and the MOD regulates EGR exhaust flows. It looks like this.
flow is vertical axis. load on engine is horz, load is MOD valve measured, and THE CAT must present or load is zero full time. I cant see your engine whats there or missing so
I must guess what EGR grade you have, (engine with pipe 50 or not) pipe 50 is vastly more easy to service. (x10 that in smog states tested)