01-13-2019, 02:19 AM
yes 100x yes
that is why i said the first time any FPR reads high, this line must be checked for restrictions. this is fist, unless parts are cheap or free.
we do the return line bucket test or blow air test. for restrictions, just last week the guy here had the return line and evap line swapped at the tank
the line must free flow back to the tank, remove the gas cap so you are not fighting it, the vent system is closed,
that line can clogged, from bad fuel
it can be pinched at the steel frame line.
some hoses can collapse inside, and block fuel.
the FPR bucket tests all shops do.
fuel pressure gauge showing too high now,
stop engine
remove FPR return line
connect a hose from FPR return nipple and spare hose say a 1 galloon bucket.
start engine, if fuel pressure is now good, BINGO.
that is why i said the first time any FPR reads high, this line must be checked for restrictions. this is fist, unless parts are cheap or free.
we do the return line bucket test or blow air test. for restrictions, just last week the guy here had the return line and evap line swapped at the tank
the line must free flow back to the tank, remove the gas cap so you are not fighting it, the vent system is closed,
that line can clogged, from bad fuel
it can be pinched at the steel frame line.
some hoses can collapse inside, and block fuel.
the FPR bucket tests all shops do.
fuel pressure gauge showing too high now,
stop engine
remove FPR return line
connect a hose from FPR return nipple and spare hose say a 1 galloon bucket.
start engine, if fuel pressure is now good, BINGO.