89 is a gen 1 car
95 is gen 2,
gen 2 harness is no good for 89 at all, and the reverse,
the 89 ISC has no water heat hose, just 2 wires to ISC. and run 2 times more current. not good for any 91+ ECU.
and the 89, wires the injector;iSC differently, than any 91+ and that again is harness wrong.
the harnesses are not even close to same. gen1 to 2 up.
vast differences, even grounds.
The will be more, differences, mixing gen1 to 2 parts is not easy, at anytime.
really its just a matter of using the correct harness
if you cant then ,its big big job or correcting every single wrong thing 1 by 1.
the ecu are not even close to the same, (worlds apart and connected totally different)
see ecu 89/90 here.
now see this. page 13. (shock)?
95 is gen 2,
gen 2 harness is no good for 89 at all, and the reverse,
the 89 ISC has no water heat hose, just 2 wires to ISC. and run 2 times more current. not good for any 91+ ECU.
and the 89, wires the injector;iSC differently, than any 91+ and that again is harness wrong.
the harnesses are not even close to same. gen1 to 2 up.
vast differences, even grounds.
The will be more, differences, mixing gen1 to 2 parts is not easy, at anytime.
really its just a matter of using the correct harness
if you cant then ,its big big job or correcting every single wrong thing 1 by 1.
the ecu are not even close to the same, (worlds apart and connected totally different)
see ecu 89/90 here.
now see this. page 13. (shock)?