06-13-2018, 09:30 AM
Update: I was able to reach and back probe test the wire connector above the gas tank, after removing that black metal bar at the back under the rear bumper. It appeared in good condition and lit up my test lamp for the 3-seconds, but no buzz sound from the fuel pump. I then proceeded to lower my gas tank after pulling off the rubber hoses. (It has a skid plate attached to it). Since I did this about 8 years ago, most the screws and bolts weren't too difficult to loosen. I couldn't loosen the fuel line nut attached to the top of the tank, so I removed the rubber gas hose line at the fuel filter instead. After loosening the screws and pulling the fuel pump out, I noticed it had a lot of minor chalky corrosion stuck to the pump and assembly, (not rust) probably because the gas tank hasn't been full for a long time. The wires that were attached to the sending unit assembly were a little green maybe a poor connection. However, the pump itself was an ultra brand, which Napa said was their cheapest fuel pump they carried.