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97 Sidekick Sport 1.8L - CUTS OUT AT 1/4 THROTTLE
one can use a good tool to scan and record
all PID data live.
drive and record.
then come home
save the recording to your PC,
and then up load them here.
we can read that, and tell you what's UP?
sure can
or to do 1 test on a focused PID

the data to collect is (CALLED PID'S) (IN ENGLISH, PARAMETERS LIVE)

ECT (temp)
IAT (temp)
MAF (flow rate)
02 (AND plotted by self as seen above.
LTFT (fuel trim)
LOAD% "ECU Calculted)
SPEED. VSS (moving)


that is about it,, its not huge list.
good to do 3 ways\
hot idle
light cruise
and under misfire.
(02-13-2017, 09:00 AM)fixkick Wrote: nice tool, one of the very best in the cheap, category, (an Innova is about $160)
i have one, the older version, this one is a good china model, much improved, can plot live 02 readings graph mode, nice.

how old is front 02,
if original, it cant be good. not now.

the sensor is on front of cat, side.
B1S1 means bank1 sensor 1, 4 banger has 1 bank and S1 is on the tail end of the exhaust header,called front 02
leave the rear of cat sensor alone, waste money to touch it, until p0421 happen and smog man nasty

i see your tool has review data button,nice.

Even reads, records and plays back live sensor data !!!!
can display Freeze Frame data
and pending codes as well

looks good
and will plot 02, says so... like mine does. older.
do not flash up grade this tool, unless the maker ask you to...seen many do this and kill the tool dead.

that is a lot of bang for the buck.

good luck
Is this the sensor I need?
[img][Image: Screen_Shot_2017_02_18_at_12_25_40_PM.png]free upload[/img]
i cant tell, no maker ,no p/n
i cant find there web site, why?
there heading there is contradictive , 1.8L is not in any 2006

my guess is the play wild and loose on 3 different engines, its common this disease.
no tracker ever ever had a j18 , j20 yes, h25.27 yes. G16 yes. more errors, in heading

ill do the checks on the seller now.... cant.
error 3 fails to say upstream or down stream sensor,they are not the same. where did you find these amateurs?

i cant find there store, where did you find this above LINK?
on ebay?
need parts makers name and p/n
there are many good makers
all listed on my buy page.

my list, do your own catalog lookups and make sure its correct
all PNP
Bosch 15287
NGK/NTK 15287
Denso DEN234-4031
Delphi (GM)DELPHI ES2003
AC delco 2131354

each company has an e-catalog.
eash shows every sensor that fits ever suzuki engine made.

there are lots of bad seller out there
selling wrong parts
and cheep. most know that 90% will not spend $15 ship back cost,packing and wasted time, and get to keep your $29
its sad but true
buy using real product names, and p/n (buy top BRANDS)
and ask seller to promise those are what you get, many photos online are stock photos. useless.

dont get me wrong, on ebay bought real Delphi , on sale, and were real. correct name and p/n and asked seller , got the promise.

i see ebay sellers (hacks) selling piles of no name sensors and no Partnumbers.
showing 1 sensor or $18 and fits 3 engine , lies,, its scam.
only on ebay do such scams exist.
and gets worse every year.

good luck on ebay....
not only that
the link is full of malware.
OK, got it running great again thanks to all your help guys. Here's what I did.
1. Replaced all 4 COP's
2. I found the adjusting nuts loose on the throttle cable and it was very so tight that it wasn't idling down all the way. I don't know if this had anything to do with it missing, maybe a sensor somewhere on the cable somewhere send bad signal to the computer, I just don't know.

But I drove it twice today and it ran like a top again.
sure that causes the TPS TO LIE! on all sidekicks /vitara and grands.
SO then RPM WAS NOT 800 SPEC>?hot? wish I knew that...

IF You fixed any of the 3 cables.. all 3 are slack, see SM on how.(is a large amount of slack,
10mm slack. (7/16" inches) G16, i do no have a J18 book, super rare they are, but, id bet same, due to same thermal reasons. (alaska to death valley, no jam)
so do it correct now. all 3.

then now, the tps is no longer calibrated! 0.5vdc
rules (predicates)
the tv must not be blocked with gunk(bottom of tV PLATE)common.
the TV cables,all 3, must be slack, never set tight,ever. (hopeless)

my guess, is the ECU knew the TPS is out of calibration, so it had to simulate it, and that always causes, running problems..(takes live scans driving to see this)
in fact what happened is tps works then fails then works then fails,, due to above, scanning driving would have found this...!!!
it was not misfiring. we know now. (spark misfiring was not IT)

it was pure TPS related, (microbogs. normally the tps signals enrich mode, if not, it bogs tipped in, then recovers. since i cant drive car and feel that, my guesses will be wrong) that is why I kept saying did the event bad(hickups) ,end if you pump the throttle ,at the event off failure. ONLY.

alls well that ends well.
BUT no need for $200 + new TPS sensor. good

sure wish i could drive it.
The TPS failures, are classic. (micro bogs are not misfire,its lean bogging, staving ofr fuel for an instant.)

misfire is very violent and can not be recovered, in most cases.... in fact adding load,to and engine with true spark misfire,causes it to get worse due to higher cylinder pressures.
the opposite t of dead tps.
The ECU goes to limphome with dead tps, or just simulates it, all simulations are poor at best.

good lluck
what is simulations
on race cars, if sensor dies, that is it, dead engine.(dumb custom ECU)generally speaking)

on road cars. the PCM has monitors. (OBD ways and means)

these monitors are smart, and if any sensor, dies, it is then simulated. and you can drive, not perfect but drive you can,saving a nice $300 tow bill each time.

in your case if the TPS dies, the PCM used MAF data for simulated TPS, and then bogs, at ever tip in of the right foot, that is because the MAF is very very slow.

The key is using a scan tool and see the TPS fail live ,driving, or its all just guessing...
in fact
the TPS hides the effect of a slow MAF
on all cars.
on jeeps, it hides the slow map

the engine, must go richer to accelerate, (or bogs)
and must do so , in and instant, super fast, in fact as fast as an injector and change duty.fast.
the TPS does this act first. (tps is driver demand for power)
knowing this makes diagnosis more easy.
(02-20-2017, 01:18 AM)fixkick Wrote: in fact
the TPS hides the effect of a slow MAF
on all cars.
on jeeps, it hides the slow map

the engine, must go richer to accelerate, (or bogs)
and must do so , in and instant, super fast, in fact as fast as an injector and change duty.fast.
the TPS does this act first. (tps is driver demand for power)
knowing this makes diagnosis more easy.

Remember the other cable I told you about that goes down to the transmission I believe? Well, like I stated earlier, it is completely slacked off and does nothing However, it kicks down into passing when I press the throttle, so I don't know what that is for. Mine only has 2 cables on it I think.

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