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Pic of Walker Stainless Exhaust - Printable Version

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Pic of Walker Stainless Exhaust - cosmic_splatter - 08-28-2014

Here's a pic of the walker stainless exhaust. Part number 55123 for my 95 tracker. The installed muffler is shown next to it. They did a good job keeping the original lines. One modification I will have to make it to get a new bolt for the rear most hangar since Walker uses a welded loop which is much bulkier than the factory hangar of 1/8 steel.

My muffler arrived pretty beat up from amazon. I had several dents in the side. Not sure it will impact the performance, but I'm definitely going to seek a refund on some of it! It also had a sticker showing that it was a customer return from somewhere. It looks like it was shipped several times and has a lot of battle scars.

Current muffler versus new one....
[Image: WalkerExhaust_zps30605a66.jpg]

Dents in side of muffler. It seems to be performing ok. Should I trust it?...
[Image: WalkerDents2_zps98feec0c.jpg]

[Image: WalkerDents_zps2a41a5a4.jpg]

Amazon is going to send a replacement exhaust.

[Image: walkerdent3_zpsffb728d3.jpg.html]

Amazon is shipping a new one.

[Image: walkerdent3_zpsffb728d3.jpg]

Installed on car. Will remove when replacement arrives. It's about a 20 min job to swap these out now that the bolts are new! I had to drill out the old bolts on the catalytic convertor.

[Image: walkerinstalled_zpsed55f059.jpg]

RE: Pic of Walker Stainless Exhaust - hatchetman - 08-28-2014

since it's "SST", no plating, dents are mostly , just "character" no plating to crack off, inside ,unseen. (if it dont rattle, its probably good)