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one substitute for dead CHIP m5262L
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Description: the ECU has many parts no longer made.
those with ceramic parts are custom SUZ, only hybrid modules, the CPU has an OTP EPROM inside, firmware
and are not sold pre coded, ever.
the SIP in blackl package are not made now, very hard to find.
SIP= single inline package.
try this the photo belows simple MOSFET or
a better part is this By Diodes Inc.
ZXMS6004FF ( modern chip with 5 way protection&gtWink

the below part is , more simple. transistor.

do not on the ECU try to bypass, pins,
as the relay will blow up the ECU output ports or the port expanded ports.
the MOS FET is best, inverter,
the VGS in to the fet needs to be 3v or greater, 4.5 is par, but I did not check inputs levels on my M5262l SIP. pin 3 or 6.

The best chip to use is this, X2. 6004 above
it will drive any relay, to 900mA coil and 3volts on gate.
nice part.

the other issue on all relays is back EMI, coil kick back
must be clamped with a diode, cathode to drain, , anode to ground.
this is already in the 6004.
see next photos , for original chip and 2 subs.

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Posted by: fixkick 12-12-2018

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