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Full Version: Timing belts
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my 91 Tracker has 88K on it and belt never changed. Think I should do that even though not an interference engine. Who makes the best replacement belt so I don't have to do this again? Thanks
even toyota ships new cars with gates.
for good reasons. IMO
As fixkick mentioned, Toyotta and if you are familiar with suzuki, then IMO suzuki provides a good replacement.

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there are no life time belts, not yours or the car, sorry. '
60k miles, 5 years, is the spec, how it goes depends on quality and running stress (rpm and heat),...t+kit,5759

GATES belts

any dirt cheep belts, why do all that work only to put in junk parts. endless supply on ebay, (no name belts)
<a href="">abc</a>

This is very good abc
You're so right about no-name belts, fixkick. I made that mistake once... Never again. If you think you'll be saving money, you won't. lol
yes the Chinese will clone anything, even me if I stop moving long enough, LOL!