my Suzuki Sidekick
Me, wheel'n !![]() ![]() Maintenance only: just testing the more odd sensors or actuators (more tests are here for all sensors) All are MP4 video's and uses a good Java engine run times are short , 5 to 30 seconds, in lengths, unless noted other wise. 1 to 3.4 mByte sized I talk too fast on some, but that is to get the video below 3mB in size. Each video has full controls and a full screen button. (you don't need special software to view these video's.)
ISC 8v or 16v (idle speed control valve test after cleaning it. I'm using a 12vdc battery to open the valve. Click tests. and stoke test, see stroke? length? and lips test. (and opens test and closed tests blowing with lips) Blow testing it (lips) 12v applied it opens, and not applied, it closes and can't blow at 0 volts DC. (tiny leaks are ok ,if excessive, I do tweak the 5mm screw CW just a very tiny bit) Do limit the ON TIME, 12v to , just a second here, apply power for 10 seconds max., then let it rest (cool) a minute and try again. Or do it like the video. Just don't leave 12v applied and walk away, it will overheat! and will sustain damage. If the coil is open , not 6 to 15 ohms, it's a hopeless case. Clean it first and it can leak a bit, that is ok. Old ones leak, so we tweak the dutycycle (one more calibration) The 89/90 is the odd duck here. The below is 1991 and newer. Loading the player...
Dashpot test. 8V TBI only. Aka: cold start, temporary fast idle servo. (this device causes, that 10-30 second fast idle time, each time you start car, shorter when hot Key off, it holds idle open, with its own internal spring , if not?, the spring inside is rusted to nothing, or throttle butterfly valve is jammed. (if it moves that diaphragm rod (it must), and don't leak air(it must not), and the spring retracts under it's own power. It's a winner. Loading the player...
Fuel Pump regulator ( this is only 1 of 4 checks; see my pump page. (the end is missing, " a ruptured diaphragm"... sorry! for ham hands) This below checks only the diaphragm. ( doing a classic diaphram leak test) the other tests are on car and measuring fuel pressure and if the pressure, drops with vacuum applied. Last word cut off was Ruptured. This is only 1 test of many on the FPR, I check fuel pressure as 3 vacuum levels. 0 , 20 and 25 inches. (per my fuel pressure page) Loading the player...
The MAF or VAF AIR METER, tested under load, see 20 Grams/second flow using the 4speed tranny, doing a TC stall test. (limit it to 10seconds max, rest for 2 minutes and repeat ) A VAF is used outside USA, its an air vane, volume of air measuring device, that the ECU later (software magic) to mass. Van Air Flow = VAF. MAF is mass air flow (hot wire) This is really, the FSM text book A/T stall test (note 2000 RPM limit G16) {2300 to 2600 RPM on my V6} This uses the A/T tranny as poor man's Dynometer (loaded). Can be done, in 1 second with M/T and full MAF datalogging, and in 1st gear. Fast loading the engine with the manual clutch. (tricky , yes) The ECU is totally different for MAF and VAF , it has unique tables, but the the tests are the same. Suzuki sells the MAF here for $1000 (rip) and many clones are junk. (buy a used MAF) Loading the player...
This 8V device is a CMP sender in the bottom of the Distributor, that sends Cam positions, to the ECU, if it dies, spark end (and injection dies, as a result) Aka: Cam Angle sensor. or CAS. It is a hall sensor, with very powerful signals, any meter can see. (unlike the crank sensor, CKP) I am spinning the dizzy, by hand with a 12vdc power pack attached to the dizzy 12v pin and my LED to the output pin. The same thing can be done with a Voltmeter , on car, cranking, see the needle wag? If this sensor fails, the ECU reports it fast, with a DTC. even 1 in 10 drop outs. This test can be done on the 16v Distributor too, with different wiring , see my dizzy pages. same white wire and blue-black for 12v. same results. Below is a bench test to show it work clearly. Loading the player...
The very tricky, EGR modulator test. In hand, you can blow through P or Q pipe (P is plenum side) if not the valve is plugged up. In this test I block the Q port and apply the vacuum tool to the P port and then block the Q port , I can hand pump now but no vacuum happens because the vent is open, when I very gently blow my lips to the PUTT tube (this is exhaust clear tube in this vid) the diaphragm inside move up closes the internal valve and I get a hard vacuum. If I stop blowing it releases. In most case the P and Q are identical in function, but some have an orifice on the Q side. To help vacuum suck better from the filtered vent. Loading the player...
Off car tests or just unplugged: ( there are 3 tests: the Idle switch, end to end POT resistance tests. and throttle angle, called the TP pin by Suzuki) The TPS has 2 parts, the Idle switch and the Throttle Position (angle) sections. First, is the idle switch side. 16v bottom pin is 1, this test is pins 1 and 2 The idle switch is not a real gold contact switch, it's just carbon. Common fail mode here, is reads infinity all the time. This Video is the TPS carbon IDLE Switch, closed must be below 500 ohms and open is infinity. (I'm moving the wiper its called, only about 1/4" and it goes to infinity. It is carbon , and never reaches 0 Ω ohms I see usually 50.1 Ω (open switch, will show O. L M Ω {infinity}(overload, meg ohms,or O.R over range , read your meter guide book.) It only needs to be consistent. that is all. For your PIN# ID , see here. The meter here is a junker , Below example (TBI 8v is pin C to D) G16A engine. On the G16B only the pins change not the ACTION. Loading the player...
The TPS end to end POT test pins 1 to 4 , this is just a fixed resistor. about 3000 to 5000 ohms, it must just read in this range to be ok. ( I like doing this test first) If you see infinity here, it's Bad TPS. The resistor value is crude by design (cheaper), The TBI 8v is pin A to D: My auto ranging meter shows 5.250 K Ω Five thousand two hundred and fifty ohms. (or we say 5K) Loading the player...
The TPS TP Throttle (angle) Position: Pins 1 to 3. This test, must read linear actions and smooth as you turn it, and no glitches through out its range, or it is bad. Finding a bad TPS (common) here takes careful watching, of the meter. The TPS love to wear out he carbon section at your favorite cruise speed. The ECU will almost never tell you this pin is bad. ( because it thinks the driver of car is nuts, see? as in crazy right foot actions...) Reads Near zero at idle (not exactly) and up to 3000 to 5000 ohms at W.O.T The TBI 8v is pin B to D. My auto ranging meter shows near zero, up to near 5.00 K Ω If this test fails and or in car driving, the ECU will not see you accelerate fast, and you get bogs. (a hesitation, in speedup of car) The ECU watches how fast you move this sensor , only. It does not set fueling on the static voltage there, it only measures the rate of change, the more fast the change, the more ENRICH mode. Like the old CARB. engine, this pin minics the high speed accelerator pump. (fast enrich) I'm just moving the slider (wiper) from min to max. turning it. We are looking for drop outs and glitches.. If the carbon wears out, and it drops out as you hit dead spots. Loading the player...
G16A 8 valve only (89/90 are different !)
91-95 only
Spark test:
Connect a good spark plug using any
spark wire,
directly to the HV Ignition coil big terminal , and crank the engine
over. just for noobs, who never saw spark before. here it is.The 4 wire colors are harness colors, as each maker of TPS, uses their own colors. See here too and here. Odds
and Ends the 1.8L Clutch slave stroking 19mm This is just a CLUTCH SLAVE STROKE test. (make sure the fluid is full, with DOT3/4 never 5)
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Do this at all 5 locations, all 4 cylinders, and at the COIL direct. if 1996+ an adpater to the coil must be constucted (coil in dizzy) ( I use an aligator clip) BLUE-WHITE spark and battery fully charged. Loading the player...
I used a very junky Harbor Fright(pun) $3 DMM meter above, not because a like it or because it's a good meter to own and trust, I use this to show that IT can be done for $3. This can also be done with the Walfart (pun) $10 dirt cheap analog meter (good to have) or any $20 DMM made by anyone. It's always good to have 2 meters, so when you don't trust one, you have a 2nd opinion. See more meters here. v5 12-16-2013 Using JW_Player. |