Jeep hacks, for alarm disablement. VTSS means vehicle theft and security system.
You don't want to fix it right now, for what ever reason!
For 1993 VTSS and newer can be hacked, but will not work in 2007 and up for sure.
Hacks Known to work are 1993-95. Not before.
For newer cars, this BULLDOG might work, for alarm not SKIM security keys & not any Immoblilzer)
The first, is not a hack, it is in the operators guide.
- Unlocking drives door and rear hatch with metal key, or unlocking doors with remote , disables VTSS
- or hack time.
- Locate the Violet-Yellow wire in the drivers door kick panel (or boot) (means Violet with a yellow stripe)
- Cut it or skin the insulation, on this wire , make the wire
bare copper and ground it using any spare wire , "a ring lug:
screwed down to ground (body of car)"
- This act "ground out" , kills VTSS, forever, until this wire is returned, to how you found it state (factory stock wiring)
- or
- Locate
the relay in the glove fuse box ,called. SAM or VTSS relay,
and yank it ,while the engine is running, bingo no more alarms.
- end
If you learn to Google?, this is has been posted like a zillion times, on the web, for sure real jeep forums. (all)
Cutting this wire does not work. (just cutting it )
One end or the whole wire must be grounded. (best, is to shave wire and then ground it, not knowing which end to ground!)
Blown or removed VTSS fuses, makes this hack , invalid. (no power > no joy)
Adding this hack to other owners hacks,"here" will not work, undo their's, first and add this hack.
If he cars alarm modules are missing ,all this is useless.
Dependancies? yah..
If an unauthorized entry does occur, the VTSS system signals the Powertrain
Control Module (PCM) to prevent vehicle from being driven.
The PCM (then) reduces
injector pulse width to zero killing all fuel injections, causing a start and stall condition. (ASD rules, for 3 seconds)
This does not prevent or block the cranking over of the engine.
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