MADE INJECTOR CLEANER: WARNING ,ALWAYS READ the Depresserization page and all warnings. I am NOT saying to do this , I am reporting what others have done.!!! In fact, this non pulsed injector method blows up (burns up ) most injectors. You can make a pulser for $5 with 555 timers ,or buy the box for $100 This circuit is the first circuit all electronic techs must lean in school , so is not a revelation (note 1978 date code on chip by Signetics ( I worked ther 3 years) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5Dyr34qd_k How to make the Pulser ( you must be serious tech) Photos by: Writer Isaac of Orlando, FL, active on Turbolinks, used with permission. Thanks! I love home made thing.... Parts needed: 1- extra large coffee can , to act as a cleaner fluid storage tank 1- clear Plastic jar to hold the injector and catch sprayed cleaner, with nice tight lid. 2- feet of 5/16" fuel injection hose. 2- some hose clamps 1 - A tank pump , from any car. (Yugo ?) 1 -12v battery Motorcycle ,etc. 1- fuel pressure regulator FPR (Not needed ! more pressure is better. ) 1 -gallon of Xylene/toluene/injector cleaner/mineral spirits/paint thinner. or "Pure Techron and Paint thinner 50-50%." 1 -toggle switch for the pump 1- 100 milisecond pulse regulator , running at 1000 pulses per second, a static 12vdc will destroy most INJ coils ! 8 -feet of wires. Some duct tape 1 fire extinguisher. Lots of fresh air with no kids or dogs around. Schematic of Pulse Generator here: (using 555 timers ) One chip produces , the fixed Plus width , the other the RPM. COMING SOON:! An example of a very nice custom fuel injector rail. |